I just picked up a used lost round nose fish, and im super stoked to ride it, BUT for now it has g5s (fcs), which is a thruster tri fin set up. Ive seen these boards with different set ups. your opinions/advice will be noted and may change the way i surf…forever.

seriously, I appreciate any tips.

Muchas Gracias.

I have a couple modern fish, somewhat like a RNF, and have been using bigger FCS fin templates for the front two and the smallest template for the rear fin (GX I think) with good results.

I’m with foamdust, but would note that if your side fins are toed in a lot, very large fins (eg the MRs) will cause noticable drag. If that’s the case try something more thruster-sized, and I prefer stiffer fins on fish as well (carbon if you can get them). Definitely the small trailer should be enough.

That being said, try every fin combo you can, you may learn a lot…

thanks for the tips so far. I also received an Email about trying the MR twin set up with the small keel. what are eyour guys thoughts on that?

I really cant afford to buy several different fin set ups right now, so before i go out and pick something up I would like to have at least an opinion of someone who is familiar witht he board and how it should be ridden properly.

again thanks in advance for any help…

Old thread but a helpul ressource nonetheless, so i decided to post my experiences with different fin setups on the RNF.

My board came with standard thruster fins. When riding these the tail felt really sticky.

replaced the center fin with a small trailer which loosened up the tail
and that felt much better. The only problem was that i the board lacked
a bit of drive. Especially on faster bottom turns the board always felt
like sliding out a bit and it felt like a lot of speed was wasted.

my last trip i got a pair of MR-TX side fins. Those with a small
trailer are the best setup for a RNF for me. The board feels loose and
skatey but there’s lots of drive on the bottom turns and even on steeper
faster waves the board doesn’t slide out on heavier drops.

The way to go is two bigger fins with 1 small trailer. i cut and shaped my own trailer, and its the best setup i’ve ever had on any board. good luck

I have a RNF-copy model (copied directly from the …Lost RNF on a shaping room in Costa Rica in 2004 by a shaper named Michael Price, who I believe is from Florida).

It’s 5’10".

The fins that board is supposed to be ridden with, to the very best of my knowledge, is 2 large side fins (like the Mark Richards twin fins) and a smaller trailer fin (smaller than a G1000).

That’s the combo I used since I rode the board for the first time, and that’s the fin set-up the board has to this very day.

Actually, the FCS-plug-installator in that shop was sloppy enough to not clear out the plug holes on the edges all the way to the deck glass. The plugs kept being torn out. Which eventually prompted me to glass those MR side fins on the board (since they’re made of glass/carbon fiber, there was no problem glassing them to the board).

If you have a genuine …Lost RNF, the FCS plugs are probably installed correctly.

The best fin combo for that board is the side MRs and a small trailer.

If the board is way smaller than 5’10", then I am not so sure- maybe slightly smaller fins??

That’s that.

Oh, and the board is a very cool ride.

For me it opened up the wider-nosed-shortboard world.

Good luck.