Low budget MEK at the Depot

I saw a pint of MEK at the Home Depot for about three bucks and change – which is a lot less than the little clear squirt bottle I usually get. Has anyone tried this stuff and does it do the job, or will I ruin a resin batch? Magoo

I saw a pint of MEK at the Home Depot for about three bucks and change – > which is a lot less than the little clear squirt bottle I usually get. Has > anyone tried this stuff and does it do the job, or will I ruin a resin > batch? Magoo Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) is a solvent/cleaner. Methyl Ethyl Keytone Peroxide (MEKP) is the catalyst for polyester resin. Home Depot carries both.

Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) is a solvent/cleaner. Methyl Ethyl Keytone > Peroxide (MEKP) is the catalyst for polyester resin. Home Depot carries > both. Magoo only the MEKP will work in resin/Got my FCS installaton kit back yesterday.

Magoo only the MEKP will work in resin/Got my FCS installaton kit back > yesterday. Thanks again Jim. Did you get my e-mail? If you need that template I could make a trip down there probably next week. Magoo

Acetone pretty good price also, anyone try their tape?

Acetone pretty good price also, anyone try their tape?>>>I use the 3M 20/20 High adhesion for just about everything,but I use the Tesco(SP?) cheapy for airbrushing(blocking out).The 20/20 is a great tape for glassing, as long as you keep the tape cold(like in your refrig.) …"first it was frozen bait,then it was chemicals now your sticking masking tape in my frig!"That’s why I have my own !!!Herb.

Sounds like a univeral regulatory “commission” working here. I get the same for fish guts, bait and filleted fish. The chilled tape sounds like a good tip. Trade your wife this one: keep Saran Wrap in the freezer, easier to handle and binds tighter. Thank my mother-in-law for that tip and thank Ray for the CD. that came in the mail today. Got it tuned in right now. TS>>> …"first it was frozen bait,then it was chemicals > now your sticking masking tape in my frig!"That’s why I have my own > !!!Herb.

Once I set some resin off in a cup and tipped it over spilling onto wax paper.When it was cured I put it in the frig.(boy!was she pissed). I tell Ray…enjoy!!!..Herb.

Acetone pretty good price also, anyone try their tape? I use them for sandpaper, acetone and tape. I had the paint flow under the tape so I don’t use it for airbrushing any more. Magoo

In airbrushing use good quality tapes for your line edges,but for fog/overspray reduction,and blocking out I use the cheapy tape…In most cases I have my tech.down so well that I can use almost any tape in any aplication with 0 defects,I’ve even used spray glue and paper,because I ran out of tape.Herb.