My intent is to mix up a batch of resin with fiberglass strands and pour it into a close tolerance mold. One stumbling block is the removal of said fin once it has kicked. What would you use for a mold release when using a mold for making fins? How would you use it? Any ideas on a good mold material? Outlining the steps would really help me out. I am aware of the regular glass and resin method of fin construction but I am looking to set up a process that leaves as little finishing work as possible (fine sanding etc…) as well as minimizes waste material. Thanks, Magoo
My intent is to mix up a batch of resin with fiberglass strands and pour > it into a close tolerance mold. One stumbling block is the removal of said > fin once it has kicked. What would you use for a mold release when using a > mold for making fins? How would you use it? Any ideas on a good mold > material? Outlining the steps would really help me out. I am aware of the > regular glass and resin method of fin construction but I am looking to set > up a process that leaves as little finishing work as possible (fine > sanding etc…) as well as minimizes waste material.>>> Thanks, Magoo …Boy are you in for a world of s**t.You can use many types of agents for mold release.I use bee’s wax heated with a gun.This is my own method,and by no means to be followed without guidance.As well,Mold making is a rather simple thing to do,but it can get complexed, especially if you get into urethane flex molds,and vacume injection.Both can be done on a simple level,but there are draw backs to flex molds in that they damage easily,and need to be replaced frequently.That’s why I opp-ed to go with the solid polyester resin and chopped glass mold(remember the “Creepy Crawler” molds of the 60s ?).They are clear molds, which is a must to relieve air from the fin casting.I could walk you thru it here,but I think it would lose some of the translation.If you are still interested,let me know.Herb.
Thanks Herb. I am very interested. I feel a need to test some ideas so my first goal is to make some Chargers and then graduate into full size fins. Some people like to garden to unwind, I find this to be my preferred method of relaxation (barring surfing of course). Every step in this craft interests me, I find it theraputic to create something and unlike sculpture the results of this passion give me instant feedback once tested. I welcome any insight and advice. Thanks again, Magoo
Magoo, If you would like to see how to make,mix,and pour molds + fin making you could E-MAIL me or call and we could arrange time. but in the mean while… Do you know what kind of mold(s) you want to build ? Start with a one sided mold first,that will give you enough to concentrate on for awhile. In molding there are “+”(positive) this is your plug(s) in which you need to make your mold.Your finished product is a “+” . Your mold is a “-”(negative). You need a flat,level,smooth,clean surface(tempered glass). Tape-off a boxed area big enough to submerge your +. Glue the + to the bottom of the boxed area(flat to flat)with elmer’s glue(seal the + to the glass %100),let dry completely!!! Wax the inside of the taped box area.(pam non-stick,turtle wax,etc)+ and all. Mix up you mold mix (clear resin,and milled glass,with strands),and pour evenly. Burp any air bubbles out with a pin,tooth pick,etc. LET IT SET-UP,AND PULL THE TAPE,AND LET HARDEN. Yor are now a mold maker.Herb…try that first and we will go into the fin making aspects,afterwards.
what would happen if you made a fin with resin only (no fiberglass at all)?? -steve
what would happen if you made a fin with resin only (no fiberglass at > all)??>>> -steve>>>>>>>>>>>They would snap,or shatter… instantly when used. If you plan on using a straight cold pour w/o somekind of uni/bi-directional fiber,you need to use a polymer fiber loaded plastic,like small gun stock companies do.They make composite gun stocks,cold pour,vacume injection,and I’m not to sure that would hold-up,I think it would stay together,maybe in small aplications. Everything else is hot injection molding.Herb.