Man VS Surf

All right…we have all been violently attacked by the one thing that defines us the most…NO, NOT YOUR WIVES! But by the hazardous conditions of the surfer identity…

Let’s see the WAR WOUNDS!

Bewear of JOINTER!

Reef cut

Oh no, Rhino. You did it now. The Chipfish is going to flash a picture of his mangina given to him by his fin! Yuck!

I don’t have a picture of the gaping 3rd nose hole from my fins. The horrified look on one of our tourist faces as I walked back to my truck would have been a better picture. “Oh my God! Look at his face!” “Thanks a lot lady.” Mike

This was more stupid than anything else; I remember why I usually don’t wear a leash, especially when it’s windy

Four staples and a week out of the water.

So i was on a buddies homemade paddle/surfboard (12ft x 4in thick) surfing some waist-high slop. Anyway, i was paddling over some white wash and as i pushed up off my board to go over the wave both my hands slipped off the side due to NO wax. Since i was in push-up mode, the weight of my upper body came down as my chin smacked the deck of the board. Caused an eye socket type puncture in my chin from blunt force, i could stick my finger in it. My hearing went for a few seconds and i almost got blacked out…i stayed out for another hour or so, bloody as hell. The cold helped, as did the empty line up =)

this is exactly why I take a brief moment to remind myself of the dangers before

firing up the tablesaw, jointer and planer…also why I’ve kept myself from buying

a bandsaw.

freaks me out.

Heres your pic so people dont have to fallow the link…

-you should get a band saw Afoaf. They are only dangerous when people forget to drop the guard (1/8" above the stock)and are not paying attention to their fingers…I guess that is all tools though, eh?

big ups again on that parallel profile board.

I still have an itch to do something very similar, lumber permitting.

This is the result of a 9" volan flexfin, courtesy of Greg Liddle. S L I C E !