masking tape for resin pinline

I’d like to do a resin pinline this weekend. Given the tape options I’m likely to find at local stores…(Home Depot, arts and crafts, etc.) what sort of tape should I be looking for? regular masking tape gave me fits turning curves and with resin bleed. Thanks!

try 3m tape. use 1/2 or 1/4" tape for tight turns. 3/4" tape should get you through most bends. there’s good information in the archives on this.

Instead of Home Depot or an art store, try your local auto body shop/supplier - they have the goods.


Good advice from the above guys.

Remember also to sand your board with 320 paper at the area you are going to pinstripe, and also in the direction of the stripe. That minimizes bleeding.

Don’t mix the batch too hot, don’t use too much pigment.

Pinstriping is kinda an art, and I’ve seen guys who could lay out a full deck’s striping, with multiple accents, in less than 7 minutes. Right the first time, with outline matching arcs and perfect spacing.

Not me, of course, I’m a hack.

The 3m Tartan and 220 series work best as far as Home depot tape goes