Mat men, your hour has come

So is puffin’ butts a prerequisite for kneelodom? 'Cos, you know, where I live the two kneelos that I see regularly (Ken & the Gimp) both do it too. And Doc’s affliction is well represented… your dog, there, must be pretty advanced or he wouldn’t have to stay incognito by wearing the shades indoors at night.

MY money’s on the Golden. Butts & all :slight_smile:

That’s good money. Duke’s always known where it’s at.

Romo is still pushing the envelope. He’s got the skills and still has the stoke.

Carbon, brand new.

I wish Ron would come on here and tell the story of the build.

Now, what happens when your father’s a spoon addict and it’s always being dinned into your ears?

My son’s cramming for an American History final and comes across this. He sees a spoon template there,

and now he claims its the dirty laundry in the history of the shape. That’s a troubled child.

…but what about mat WOMEN , ‘MAN of war’

…are these girls allowed / going to be there ?! [I sure hope so !!]

The ads for mats in the early ‘Surfing World’ magazines featured girls with / riding them* . [Was it the same in the ‘Surfer’ and ‘Surfing’ mags , in the 1970s , too, I wonder ? …I couldn’t find any shots of ladies surfing mats in MY collection of american mags from that era]



  • …not surprising really , considering the ladies then had even nicer shape than the mats they rode !

not long to go for you crew now , eh ?

any news from THESE guys , if they would be coming , by any chance ?! [george greenough and paul gross]

cheers !


                  <img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" />

no, no word from gg or pg – distance and low profiles. maybe the next one.

i’m hoping ron’ll stop by, tho. he’s accessible and has a ton to give as a rider, builder and elder statesman.

more of his latest

i’m thinking this has a lot of kick and is pretty indestructible

…WOW !!

those are some amazingly finished boards !

I hope ron romanowsky [?sp?] comes too …that would be a buzz to meet that guy [I remember seeing shots in 70s surf mags of him at the wedge !]



Here’s someone who’s coming to the gathering and he’s bringing his game.

slinging in…

shot out

A blessed Christmas to everyone, especially you, Dale.

See you all in the water in a couple of days.

Hoping to be back with plenty of spoon and mat pics…

Is it too early for an update? Who’s in attendance and surf report? Thanks!

I’m driving up tommorrow. I’ll be looking for you guys. Hope there still some swell around. Mike

I made a quick trip up, spent the night and drove back today. Gotta work (UGH!)

I’m headed back up in a couple of days.

Derrick from South Bay brought a couple of really nice boards - my favorite being one of Ambrose Curry’s giant single fins.

Several nice glass spoons, loads of mats and nice people. Hats off to Mark for putting it together!

thanks for posting those shots , John !

that twin keel on the right …that’s amazing , because my brother just sent me some shots of something he made for his son .

Stay tuned … [it will be on a separate thread]…

… by the way , how [big] was the surf ??

cheers !


Chip, it ain’t over yet! There’s been a rotating crew there with some staying, at least the last 3 days. I’ve been working and am going down Sunday thru Tuesday and the festivities I think may continue thru thurs. I’m sure Mark and Co. will post many pics but are currently otherwise engaged…

how hard would it be to have a lappy top set in the corner with an availiable port for the reident gheeque

to dump a stream of photes

and every one that passed by could scrawl

some graphitti on the toylet wall

whilst the comings and goings pearisted

pleeasure point afterallaint remote…

thanx john for the photes

I feel loike I am psychicly closer to yall

a little more I might be able to smell the kelp.

and maybe hear righ’s lilting voice

and baggmans shuffling gait.

praise all ye keepers of the faith

there is somthing to be said for civility in action.


aloha from waipouli

you guys oughta paddle out for balsa’s dad and phote it

and the post it he would be stoked I’ll bet

his dad might like surfin pleasures or the hook.

gosh I am full of Ideas…sorry.

Had a great time on the 29th with the boys.

heres a link to a vid i edited of the day

Please take a second and give the vid a rating

hopefuly positive

and drop a comment if you have enough time


helps to get the vids seen by more people


I made another quick trip up yesterday. Weather was ideal and conditions managable. A fellow named Joel from Carlsbad is taking lots of photos.

As of today, several characters have come and gone. The hard core crew remains in place. I think everybody caught waves today which were clean and really fun.

Here is a pic of Manowar with the original Dale Solomonson flex tail edge board model - on loan from Lee Vanderhurst…

The line up today at high tide…

Another shot of AM high tide… better edit 3 mins long

Thanks for posting that vid! Excellent. I just got home. Sorry Ambrose, no one brought a lapdoodle but there is a guy from Carlsbad there with a pro still rig and he’s shot a couple thousand so far…for real. So there should be some good stuff coming. I got “tons o’ fun” Pleasure Point area for a few go outs. This morning before I left I went to the scene of the video hoping for a day like that as the swell had dropped considerably from what it had been but NOOOOOOoooooo. It was somewhere in the 4+ times the size range and fat and shifty and hard to get into; lots and lots of water moving around. Plus my legs are pretty tired from too much fun. So I just got caught inside and spanked repeatedly until I surrenderd to the desire of the ocean which seemed to be to push me back up on the beach. Mission accomplished. Still a good time though.

M.O.W.'s 19 year old son Luke, had cord break on his footie board yesterday and it washed in on rocks and broke off fin. While repair was setting up he borrowed a Blast roundpin quad KB and went out intending to stand on it. Had his first ever kneelo session instead and came in so ecstatic and excited he was frothing. Waving his arms around and babbling about this ride and that soup rebound and the other cover-up. He’s gone over to the dark side I fear. A KB convert. Took the same board out this a.m. in the big shifty beachie waves and tore it up. I saw him backdoor a big, long left going so fast smoke was curling off his head and shoulders. I was a bit surprised he actually came in eventually without having to be netted and dragged. Needless to say, Dad was stoked!

Aussies are starting to trickle in for the contest next weekend.

I feel much better hearing the news.

the lad seems to have tasted the fine wine of esoteric wave riding,

was that new brighton? or 17th ave?

no real need to tell me but I like to guess

the outside bouy can be a tip off.

yes the edit was more paletteable.


Young Luke did indeed drink deep of the wine of esoterica! First time was way out front of a rocky point on the east side of town. Second time was was easterly into the bay, over a big submarine canyon…dum-da-dum-dum…coupla seals, no sharks seen…water much warmer than the air. Brrrrrrrr.

It feels to me as much fun to see someone else totally blown out by stokaboka as for me to be that. Well, almost as much. :wink: