Matters of Fact and Fiction...4th Gear Updates

So…is it like being on a sponger?

Not that I’m going to do it…I like my surfing too much…but I am curious as to what it’s all about.

Might be a decent alternative if/when I’m injured.


“I like my surfing too much…”

but these Visions of Johanna…

our injuries are not always physicaly evident.

The insertion of a positive state of mind

into a flawed social implication of

contemporary ''perfect surf ‘’

will justify retreat and recouperation.

a mat is so comfortable

it can be confused with an adjustable

hospital bed sure but the access to this venue

will take considerable devotion and dicipline.

have you heard?; you get a clue in 5 go outs

and the learning curve is 30 years long

to get to that big drop or turn back

like in the photos above.Take note

there are no others in the photos .


the conditions might

not be attractive to

the common criterion.

Hey there Ambrose

Yeah I don’t think I would ever try to take on a wave even close to that size on a mat.

I would be way to SCARED! LOL

But I thought it might be fun for times like now

Torn tendons in the elbow and completely incapable of doing any kind of “popup”

Maybe hit smaller waves on a mat so I can still get in the water.

Cuz I’ve been out of the water too long and I’m going a little KOOKOO!


Ambrose- one of my favorite reflections on mat riding ever. Thanks.

Todd- do a search for surfmat and read. It is a surreal experience (hte threads and the surfing on a surfmat).

I put my first mat on craigslist just a few days ago.

Just so you know.

For sub 185lb’ers means may have quite a few of the Sway’s crew thinking, “drat”.

I don’t think Paul Gross posts here anymore, just wanted to give people a heads up that 4th gear is selling a “classic” mat and that paul is selling them for $135 until the end of the month. I got one for friends and girlfriend to ride and as a back up to my Neumatic and am so stoked with it, much easier to move around on than my Neu.

I know there are a few people who want to try a mat but don’t want to spend so much money, this mat is perfect for that.

here is the link

mat riding is so fun … haven’t been in awe this much in at least 10 years, i just started a few months ago on my mats but  i wouldnt say its like a bodyboard at all, a surfboard is more like a bodyboard than a mat, the mat is like body surfing faster than you ever thought possible, with weird ass take off angles possible and you can ride over the craziest shit, like huge boulders that would be in the way otherwise, bodysurfing, with a thruster, even on a sponge, i had a serious freaking greenough esqu moment yesterday, literally felt and looked like some shot out of innermost or crystal voyager,


plus riding mats allows you to think up radical new lines for riding your thrusters and fishes and whatnot that pretty soon youre using it as this symbiotic tool for your entire experiences in the water and out and in between,


too stoked to even make sense of it.




too stoked to even make sense of it.





that is one of the best descriptions i have ever heard.

no matter what were talking about…

That was a deal too good to pass…


“we’re going to extend the 4GF Classic sale until August 31st.”

From Surf Matters