Maui and Sons surfboards at Costco

I was in a Costco store yesterday in San Jose, CA and saw some nice looking boards for sale for $199, made by Maui and Sons. Does anyone know the story about these boards? Are they just Chinese boards labled with a US name?

I was in a Costco store yesterday in San Jose, CA and saw some nice > looking boards for sale for $199, made by Maui and Sons. Does anyone know > the story about these boards? Are they just Chinese boards labled with a > US name? Sounds like small children working in a sweat shop to me!!!

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha You think we’d stoop that low?

Check it out

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha You think we’d stoop that > low? HOW LOW IS LOW ? Can you tell me that the persons who actually produce these boards are making a living wage?? $199.00 MINUS the cost of materials, minus factory overhead, minus the cost of shipping & handling, minus wholsale profit, minus retail profit. what’s left??? I am amazed how this is done. Do your workeres get lunch brakes, do you supply safety masks, do you comply with Health & safety regulations? Hey, I guess it’s OK your making money, right!

Can you tell me that the persons who actually produce these boards are making >a living wage?? $199.00 MINUS the cost of materials, minus factory overhead, >minus the cost of shipping & handling, minus wholsale profit, minus retail >profit. what’s left??? I am amazed how this is done. Do your workeres get >lunch brakes, do you supply safety masks, do you comply with Health & safety >regulations? Since the montly living wage in China is less then you hourly wage… The safety masks you’re using are made in China and I bet they eat chineese food for lunch every day. Bet the health and safty regulations are ah, well, a little more ‘flexible’ the our western way tho. regards, Håvard

Their days are numbered. Here’s the scenerio…Mom goes to Costco with kids in tow; “I wanna surfboard, I wanna surfboard” Mom thinks, “Well ok, they’re cheap, and little Coral should get what he/she wants.” Coral’s Mom and Dad pack up the kids, and head to the beach for their bi-summer trip. Its a long hot drive from the valley to Zuma and the kids are screamming they whole way. They finally find a place to park and schlepp all the shit to the beach, never looking up to see a nice 6’ southern hemi-grinding away. They realize that they can’t set up with the rest of the swimmers (floaters) ‘cause the the kids want to surf. The move beyond the black ball. “Honey, it looks kinda rough out there!” Mom complains. “AAAh they’ll be all right.” Now Dad’s never been past his waist but he sends little Coral out with a “Have fun!” (and no wax or leash). Coral jumps on, head about midway up the board, legs dangling off the back. Coral keeps slipping off the board so she grips the rails with both hands and kicks like a mother…The rip grabs ahold and she flys out between the semi-closeouts. Knowing little Coral as we do, Coral goes for the first hump she sees. Oblivious to danger or the others floating in the impact zone. Coral’s never surfed but she/he’s on a board so “Cowabunga!!!” Coral’s New Realm never quite makes planing speed. The board and Coral are at one with the lip. Its 8’ down to the trough but before they get there, they are thrown 12’ toward the shore… Coral wakes up in the hospital surrounded by Mom, Dad and a dozen attorneys. She is in traction with multiple fractures and internal injuries. Most of the attorneys represent the folks speared by Coral’s wayward stick. 14 months later Costco, New Realm et al lose a $55 million class action lawsuit for selling an attractive nuisance. You see, if Coral’s parents had gone into a surfshop and bought the board, they would have been somewhat informed as to what surfing entails. Coral’s little friends would have urged the purchase so that they could go to Doheny or SanO to learn how to surf. They would have knowingly sought and purchased a dangerous toy. They would have been given free wax (they still do that don’t they) and likely would have been sold a leash. On the contrary, they bought the board all wrapped up just like a toy in a department store. It was sold in the “summer section” along with beach balls, flippers and umbrellas. It was an impulse purchase. In their closing argument, Corals attorney says, “Costco and the rest of this conspiracy knowingly sold dangerous toys. What’s next, automatic weapons?” Its only a matter of time…

By the way, I was just asking. I don’t know if they’re made in China or not…

Their days are numbered. Nice scenerio!!you gotta love them L.A. Lawyers

I love this shit! Poor little coral!

newbalonie, tell us the story about when Coral’s mom buys herself a ‘Large’…please…! just kidding, but great story/theory!

Their days are numbered. It is more like. Costco has return policy. Return broke board, you get a new. Return broke board, you get a new. Return broke board, you get a new. Return broke board, you get a new. Costco gets tried of this cycle of problems and refunds money. Maui and Son have many boards to repair! Costco gets smart and goes into surfboard clothing. This is where the real money is anyway. Anthony