McCoy Nugget Surftech or custom


go custom sandwich …

theres a few guys doing them , but you could be waiting a while , everyone i know who does do them , is snowed under…

Bert, or anyone that knows,

Who exactly is doing them? Are there any websites or links to information on the other builders besides you Bert?



You’ve got me interested Bert. Can you point me in the right direction?

over here in west oz we have a couple , apart from myself , there is a guy called martin littlewood in margret river , his brand is called delta designs , there is also a new poster on this site bluejuice,he also has the know how to customise a sandwich board …

not long ago i posted some comments about some good sandwich boards from new zealand …d s surfboards taranaki new zealand …

also the guy in hawaii who makes balsa boards as well , cant remember his label , but someone on this site has posted a link to his website , coz i checked it out once …

anyone who has the know how to vacumn form timber over a board , could easily build a custom surftech style board …

surftech contruction , in whatever dimensions you want …

just recently i got an order for a divinycell board with gaffix sprayed onto the foam , then the wooden rails as usual …

he said now that everyone at his break was riding a woody , he wanted something different again…

so anyway , thats about 4 other guys i know , that could put something together for you…

i would offer my services , but im pretty busy , im a bit slack when it comes to the extra effort involved in shipping boards overseas …

i dont even ring people back if they dont catch me in person , …

what works for me is when a guy comes to see me in person , we discuss the board , then he comes back and gets it , when its done , and puts the cash in my hand…

these days my work routine is on my terms …

i wish i could build a board for everyone who showed interest …but that could only happen if i was surrounded by capable , motivated , loyal , professionals …

ive got more than enough work , im sure some other sandwich guys would take on any new interest…

i said on another thread once , that the emergence of surftechs , would stimulate a demand for custom sandwich boards…

im hearing stories from crew loving there surftechs , and there saying " id really like something a bit more suited for me though" …

to me it makes perfect sense to move into an area of board building where there is still profit…supply and demand !!!..

you can buy a brand new polyester board over here for 395.00 aud …

wheres the profit???

i was selling new boards in 1987 for 450.00 aud , and that was still cheap then , most other boards were between 470.00 and 495.00 …

any way hope some of that stuff helps…

also hope you regular board builders , can see a new market acceptance of the next generation of contruction…



In Hawaii it’s Surfgear Hawaii

He hasn’t posted in a while.

He actually will help you create your own board using the bag process.

Neat idea. Teach a man how to catch his fish versus just eat it…


You know if you look at what Miki’s done by giving away his software and the type of operation you’ve been talking about, you can see a hypothetical scenario for building custom surftech type boards. Shapers use Miki’s software to design their custom boards - e-mail it to the workshop, which has an APS3000 + vacuum bag gear and skills. Workshop builds the board and ships it back to them (maybe first gives a little advice about tweaking the design to match the performance of the materials). Miki and Jimmy might be really nice and program a little add-in for the aps3000 software, that lets you define perimeter rails, thickness of skin and exports a dxf file for cutting the eps blank. Like you say, Surftech and Salomon have done the hard marketing yards in terms of getting acceptance for an alternative to pu/polyester. When given a choice, is your average surfer in the market for a sandwich board, going to by a popout from Thailand, something made by ski company or something from a proven local or name shaper?

(Let me know if you need a business plan for the above, I’m supposed to be doing one as part of my MBA)



pinhead , that was a very logical combination of thoughts …

would you be interested in the numbers for your project ??? but also could it serve as the real thing to propective investors???

i had a customer swing by today …

he has 2 levels of a city highrise running an add agency …hes always been very helpful …i gets heaps of free advertizing through him … mainly through product placement in unrelated situations …

just last week there was a feature home in the lifestyle lift out of the paper , triple level beachhouse overlooking the surf , he just happend to place one of my boards in the pic …they turn up everywhere , tied to the roof of a car for a kfc add , stuff like that …

he said to me once ," i really believe in what you do , you should see some of the rubbish we have to market , but you have something thats the genuine thing"

anyway today i showed him a sample of something new im working on , my son says "show him him the hammer trick dad " so i get a hammer , a heavy one , i start pounding the bottom of this board and couldnt ding it , he says " no board would ever get that sort of punishment "

hes standing there with his mouth open , then i give him the marketing concept i have in mind for the whole package …

then his eyes light up and he says " ok i will start putting some images and sketches together "

so heres a guy who normally doesnt lift his pen without seeing the inside of someones chequebook , ready and willing to jump in coz he sees something real…

i knew he saw something , coz hes in the marketing and advertizing industry , he has an eye for things of that nature…

i remember the first time i met him , he comes into my factory with this stunning model , my tongue is rolled out on the floor , he does the introductions , then the chick proceeds to place an order for a board , she wants her own logo on it as well , then says it has to be ready in 1 month , i say if thats the case i need the logos within 2 weeks , i then start telling them that to get a few logos on ricepaper , and having to get new artwork processed , film positives made new screens exposed all within in 2 weeks would be impossible , plus the cost wouldnt warrant it for a few logos , he says leave it to me …i say "good luck " in a cynical way.

the chick then says “so it will definatly be ready in one month?” , i say " well i am pretty busy some crew have been waiting 6 months and i havent started there boards yet" i then get this pout and a bit of a sad face … so i say ok i can do it …

after they left i couldnt help the feeling id just been conned …

a week later he turns up with these insane 6 colour perfectly registered logos on the best rice paper id ever seen , im speechless , i say " man you must have some serious connections " he says" i am the connection"

so as im building the board the lady rings for a few progress reports , its done and i do the handover , later i find out the board was a surprise for a friend of his ,

now im real impressed by the guy and his ability to put people into action ,

including myself , somehow he knows what to present to people to get them to respond , i suppose thats why hes done well from what he does …

hes been super helpful over the years , one time a few years back he put together this insane package of the latest fashions in clothing and surf hardwear , and digitally imprinted our logo on in these photos , he made these real professional show cards of some of my best team riders , with new wetsuits and clothing on and put together this great image and approached a few clothing companies on my behalf …for me the timing wasnt right as my business was going through a few upheavals , at the time i dont think he really understood what was going on , but what it showed me was how professional he was and how motivated and clever he was …

i sometimes get the feeling he looks at my current situation , and thinks i should be doing something with what ive got , hes right , but it makes such a difference when people are working with you not against you…

anyway pinhead what im getting at … he said something to me this morning ,

when you put a concept together that you want to sell , you have to give them the whole package ,

they need to see from where someone is exposed to the product via advertizing right through to where the money is in there bank , along with all the nuts and bolts , if there is anything they have to finish off there not interersted …

so if you really do need a project and it can serve as the real thing , then i think you could be in the right place at the right time …

pm me and i will give you my email … we can discuss it further …





You know if you look at what Miki’s done by giving away his software and the type of operation you’ve been talking about, you can see a hypothetical scenario for building custom surftech type boards. Shapers use Miki’s software to design their custom boards - e-mail it to the workshop, which has an APS3000 + vacuum bag gear and skills. Workshop builds the board and ships it back to them (maybe first gives a little advice about tweaking the design to match the performance of the materials). Miki and Jimmy might be really nice and program a little add-in for the aps3000 software, that lets you define perimeter rails, thickness of skin and exports a dxf file for cutting the eps blank.

Pinhead, I can see where you are going with this, it’s worth some thought. I don’t know enough about those boards at this stage regarding relations to the program. I do know the APS3000 has no trouble with their materials. Regarding skin thicknesses, I wonder if those are set, either way, the board could still be made, how difficult that would be, I’ll have to see.



Hi i want a 7 6 all roun nugget or bigger do you have a contact person for this request in so cal. Thanks