Possibly getting - any thoughts, riding experience
Hi, I’ve owned 2, a fireball and a 50/50. Both are so much fun. The fireball is especially versatile, with the hard rails I can make steeper takeoffs ad sections. At the same time it is perfectly at home at Malibu. The 50/50 is a updated single fin, and is a total blast to ride, kind of carvy and very nimble. Both are great paddlers. In my admittedly biased opinion, all McTavishes are really clean boards, esp. without the oversized lams. I hope this helps. John
thanks a lot . . . are your 2 of different lengths?
thanks a lot . . . are your 2 of different lengths? Both are 9’6". Where do you plan on surfing?
Both are 9’6". Where do you plan on surfing? I have a 10’0 Noosa 66 and it’s a blast! I hear it’s just like the 50/50 but with a square tail (the 50/50 should be a pintail). Maybe a 50/50 will be my next board since I’d like a classic pintail that won’t cost me an arm and a leg.