Measuring fish length

For a retro fish, is the length measured from a) tip of the board to the top of butt crack or b) tip of the board right down to the tips of the swallow tails?



tip to tip

end to end

Nose to tail “tips” hth

I told my daughters there are two things that are alright to lie about.  The size of the waves you ride and the size of the fish(you catch).  It’s a fish so just lie about it. So, how long you wanna call it?   Mike

5' 8"

Is that along the bottom or with tape pulled tight on the deckside?

I measure a 5’8" fish across the bottom and add 3/8" to that ordered length, in case someone wants to measure it from the deck side, or stand it up against a flat wall … I’ve heard it all after thousands of them … have fun … !!

Just cut off the head and tail and measure whats left!! Carefull with the butt crack so ya don't get pooped on!!! God I wish they had funny faces on sways.  HA HA  Ya it's OK to lie about it, after all its only a fish !!!