
I was driving my van into a Ford agency for minor repairs when I heard on the radio that a plane had crashed into a tower in New York. Five years ago. Might as well have been yesterday. Never forget.

Sorry, this is not shaping or surfing related. Just mankind related.

Thanks brother. Have not forgotten. Mike

I was surfing when I heard about it. Went home and turned on the TV. I will never forget those images…

I still remember everything I did that day, from when I woke up to the end of school at least. I will never forget.

I remember having fallen asleep with the TV on the previous night, only to wake up very early that morning to see the video of the first plane crashing into the tower. I thought I was watching some disaster movie, until it finally sunk in that this was for REAL. My heart goes out to anyone who lost someone or was affected in some way on that fateful day. Almost like experiencing Pearl Harbor. We are supposed to be the most evolved of species…

i was in my dorm room first year of college. woke up with a hangover, decided i wasn’t going to class that day, stumbled toward the bathroom to take a leak, and my roommate said “terrorists just blew up the world trade center”. i said “yeah, buddy…okay…whatever you say”…then i went back to bed. woke up again at about 2pm and flipped on the tv. he was right.

It was an event that changed the world and all of us. It’s something that all of us who cherish our freedom should never forget. Freedom is not free; sometimes it’s paid in blood. I remember my brother-in-law calling me at 4 AM Hawaiian time in the morning to tell me to turn on the TV. I saw the 2nd airliner crash into the world trade center. It was surrealistic; I was sadden and yet very angry.

It’s hard for me to imagine the amount of madness one group of people would have to destroy the lives of so many innocent people.

Let’s pray for peace and defend freedom.

God Bless Us All,


,of those who lost there lives,

…and the broken families left in the ashes of it’s wake.

Quote: It’s hard for me to imagine the amount of madness one group of people would have to destroy the lives of so many innocent people.

Yeah Know what you mean, 100,000 innocent civilian arabs killed to date - MADNESS!

I feel sorry for your loss Squid Ink.Lets focus our efforts on being kind to all.

It’s a start.

Hey Squid Ink - while I completely agree with your post…there’s a second meaning to what you say & it isn’t the first time.

Feel free to stop tarring all Americans with the same dirty brush any time now.

Many of us - perhaps at this point most of us - detest war profiteering and can’t wait for 2008. Security is one thing, but antagonism is another thing entirely. But for today, bro, let it go. There are 364 other days to mourn inocent people worldwide. Just for today, its ok to feel sad about New York alone.

I’m not even trying to justify any actions since then - in good conscience, there aren’t many on the part of our administration I could try to justify. But really, its ok to remember.

Balsa - thanks.

Hey Benny - well said,

I’m with Squid and Benny - I feel for those who suffer at the hands of those who use violence to impose their world view.

…I remember that when I saw the impact, an image of some demented “pushing” the atomic “button” was on my mind…felt insecurity

my magic 8-ball tells me this thread is going to be locked very soon.

I remember I was walking to class for college and everyone was on their cell phones talking about America was under attack and our cities were being bombed.

They let everyone go home. Later I found out about the World Trade Center . . . I remember my parents had told me they’d remembered what they were doing when JFK died, I couldn’t believe I’d run into the same thing . . .

Its sad . . .

My coworker who was born in Iran and grew up there says its really bad over there (which is why he came over here). He said the Islamic Fundamentalist govt there killed many of those of Assyrian descent, possibly in the millions . . . He said the problem with the Islamic extremists is you cannot reason with them. They have a twisted sense of God and excessive pride that has them see you if you do not believe and follow their way, you must die. They’ve even killed other Muslims, the true Muslims that realize peace is the way to go. I was surprised he was saying that, but he has experienced it first hand.

I think the ideals that everyone should have freedom, be responsible, and have rights . . . sometimes to do this you must war, fight for what is right when no other means are available, when diplomacy is exhausted.

I hope we can see past ourselves and seek peace where it is and guard what is dear to us.

Well said, hiroprotagonist. I agree completely, as I have a Muslim friend that used to be in my class, she says the same thing about the extremists. I do believe that what is going on right now may not have been the right course for our country, but I refuse to believe that our leaders would enter this war just for personal gain/war mongering. I can’t see them as being that heartless, sacrificing the lives of that many people for personal gain. I wish to remind you that many felt the same way about earlier wars, WWI and WWII up until we were attacked, that we shouldn’t get into it, but look what would have happened if we hadn’t. Imagine a Europe controlled by Hitler, and the even greater number of Jews that would have been slaughtered. And even though Saddam is no Hitler, no one can deny that he is evil, and that in the end the people of Iraq will be better off. I agree that going to war was not the best option, but we can’t quit now. To quit now is to forfeit the lives of all those that have died, Iraq will quickly regress, the Sunnis and Shi’ites will once again battle (Even more than they already do), and countless civilian Iraqis will die. At this point, more sacrifice will be needed to reach peace, but the consequences of giving up now are even greater.


Yeah Know what you mean, 100,000 innocent civilian arabs killed to date - MADNESS!

Ahem…BALI…sorry…just clearing my throat…

Fact is thoughtful people think about all the casualties.

I was standing in line waiting to board a flight from San Diego to Tucson to visit my Grandpa who was in the terminal phase of an illness. I remember all the sudden all the tv’s are showing the same image of a plane going into the tower and the collective reaction going from scepticism, to speculation (as though the people who could be in the towers were baseball stats), to a sudden realisation that it was very real, and serious. Collective numbness at that point, people just standing there with their mouths slightly open, not knowing what to do.

The police then came and emptied the airport to close it down.

On a brighter note. Since this was prior to knowing that virtually all the airports would be closed for a few days, I thought that I still only had a twenty eight hour window to see my Grandpa on my way back from Hawaii back to France. My Dad knew how important that was, so as we get outside the airport he takes out his wallet, and gives me the two hundred-dollar bills that he’s had in there since University as his ‘mad money’. Then hands me his car keys and says “Go see Tata. I’ll get a ride home from one of the guys at the office on Shelter Island.” Just like that, 110 mph to Tucson a great visit and a great chance to say goodbye. Something not to take for granted.

I read the pain and I raise you


from “American Negro Songs”

by John W. Work, 1940

I’m going to lay down my sword and shield

Down by the riverside

Down by the riverside

Down by the riverside

Going to lay down my sword and shield

Down by the riverside

Ain’t going to study war no more

Ain’t going to study war no more

Ain’t going to study war no more

Ain’t going to study war no more

Ain’t going to study war no more

Ain’t going to study war no more

Ain’t going to study war no more

I’m going to put on my long white robe

Down by the riverside

Down by the riverside

Down by the riverside

I’m going to put on my long white robe

Down by the riverside

Ain’t going to study war no more

I’m going to talk with the Prince of Peace…

resolve oneself to repeat mistakes…


Willie Dixon Lyrics - STUDY WAR NO MORE Lyrics

Won‘t that be one mighty day, when we hear world leader say

We don‘t have to cry no more, we‘re giving it up, we‘re gonna let it go

Ain‘t gonna study, study war no more, ain‘t gonna think, think of war no more

Ain‘t gonna fight, fight the war no more, we‘re giving it up, we‘re gonna let it go

We‘re giving it up, we‘re gonna let it go

We will take gun powder to have fun, then get rid of the atom bomb

Something else that we can do, get rid of all those rockets, too

Ain‘t gonna study, study war no more, ain‘t gonna think, think of war no more

Ain‘t gonna fight, fight the war no more, we‘re giving it up, we‘re gonna let it go

We‘re giving it up, we‘re gonna let it go

The money spent on bombs alone can build poor people a happy home

And some good we can do, you treat me like I treat you

No more starving in the nation, everybody getting an education

Ev’rytime a baby is born, we know he‘ll have him a happy home

Ain‘t gonna study, study war no more, ain‘t gonna think, think of war no more

Ain‘t gonna fight, fight the war no more, we‘re giving it up, we‘re gonna let it go

We‘re giving it up, we‘re gonna let it go

No more sleeping in the street, we‘re all happy, whoever we meet

Then we all will shake a hand, and make this world a promised land

Ain‘t gonna study, study war no more, ain‘t gonna think, think of war no more

Ain‘t gonna fight, fight the war no more, we‘re giving it up, we‘re gonna let it go

We‘re giving it up, we‘re gonna let it go, we‘re giving it up, we‘re gonna let it go

study ? Dwell?


whos winning?

Come you masters of war

You that build all the guns

You that build the death planes

You that build the big bombs

You that hide behind walls

You that hide behind desks

I just want you to know

I can see through your masks

You that never done nothin’

But build to destroy

You play with my world

Like it’s your little toy

You put a gun in my hand

And you hide from my eyes

And you turn and run farther

When the fast bullets fly

Like Judas of old

You lie and deceive

A world war can be won

You want me to believe

But I see through your eyes

And I see through your brain

Like I see through the water

That runs down my drain

You fasten the triggers

For the others to fire

Then you set back and watch

When the death count gets higher

You hide in your mansion

As young people’s blood

Flows out of their bodies

And is buried in the mud

You’ve thrown the worst fear

That can ever be hurled

Fear to bring children

Into the world

For threatening my baby

Unborn and unnamed

You ain’t worth the blood

That runs in your veins

How much do I know

To talk out of turn

You might say that I’m young

You might say I’m unlearned

But there’s one thing I know

Though I’m younger than you

Even Jesus would never

Forgive what you do

Let me ask you one question

Is your money that good

Will it buy you forgiveness

Do you think that it could

I think you will find

When your death takes its toll

All the money you made

Will never buy back your soul

And I hope that you die

And your death’ll come soon

I will follow your casket

In the pale afternoon

And I’ll watch while you’re lowered

Down to your deathbed

And I’ll stand o’er your grave

'Til I’m sure that you’re dead

Copyright © 1963; renewed 1991 Special Rider Music