**a very merry christmas to you all
stay safe and give your family a big hug
cheers huie**
**a very merry christmas to you all
stay safe and give your family a big hug
cheers huie**
Thank you for expressing that sentiment. The +1, is from me. Blessing on you, and your family.
and a HAPPY new year !
the library here shuts down for a while over xmas … so you will be BLESSED to not hear from me for a while , fellow swayers !
[ I use their computers to do sways and facebook stuff ]
What’s everyone doing ? Work, play ?
maybe we can have a mobile phone chat , " if " you ever get a ‘quiet moment’? [haha, yeah right…let’s hope it’s not TOO ugly / bloody for you ? … and that you get a surf soon, too ?]
cheers Brett !
Yah huie et al. Hope yah’all have a Merry Christmas. I’m off the next 2 weeks and the surf has been good. Mike
Thanks to all here, hope you enjoy Christmas and get a chance to ride a few waves. Maybe Santa will bring you a new board.
Santa should be glassing two new boards for me about now…
A 10-4 Simmons type for up to head high California point surf
A 9-6 Semi-gun for Calif. overhead surf.
Merry Christmas to all!
Merry Christmas to ya Hewie.
And a Peaceful New Year to All…
Huie, I hope your spirit is prospering.
Merry xmas to you all, thanks for all the knowledge , and the laughs.
Back to you, huie. And best holiday wishes for the rest of the crew.
Merry Christmas to all.
holiday cheers to all, and enjoy those special moments with the kids and grandkids!
merry christmas and a happy new year to all.
special thanks to Mike Daniel, Greg Griffin who made this one special and George Gall and Peter Poppler and his wife on Kauai who made last year a special one too.
And as always, all my friends here on swaylocks especially Keith and family and PPK/Deb.
we are definitely a weirdly diverse and complex family (ohana) full of strong opinions
but like they say, family is still family…
I just wanted to say Merry Christmas to all the posters and lurkers on Sways. I know there are lots who read the stuff here but don’t or can’t post here anymore & I wish you and yours a great Holiday season with lots of love & waves. It’s 7 o’clock + Island time, so everyone is in from the last day’s surf, hope you had a good one all my Island Sways buds, Greg, Dane, Ben, Danny, Bernie & family, lots of roasts, etc. and are looking forward to a great New Year. All you guys who are stuck here on the mainland…so sad…just kiddin’, George, Mike W, Wardo, Wardo Jr.(great caddy job by the way), Jim, Promer, Dwayne, Tyler, & all the CM guys have a great New Year and hope that we get a few from the North instead of that stinking WNW crap we been gettin…Happy Holidays everyone, again as always, just my 2c… BKB
Hey Rogelio hope you post up some pics once the boards are done, sound like interesting shapes!
BTW, did you ever get the Tommy Trim memorial noserider board shaped? Like to see some pics and hear about that one too. Like a lot of people, I followed that tragic but fascinating story closely, right up to the bitter end, and then the blank you found. But never did hear the final story on the memorial board!
Beautifully said, family is family.
Merry Christmas!(one day late)