message for 'aloha' tom

hi tom, in the thread ‘current projects, anyone?’ which is about to scroll off the bottom of the index, both Tom Sterne and i expressed an interest in building ‘chine’ or ‘bevel’ railed (are these interchangeable terms?)fishes in lenghts similar to yours. say you’re thinking a 60/40 rail, after you shape the upper rail to the 60 line thats when you create the lower 40 portion of the rail which is a dead flat bevel, right? my questions; what is the degree of the bevel angle off the bottom? is 60/40 too much bevel? i’m probably going to shape something 3" thick, 21 - 22" wide with a 15" winged swallow tail. anyone who has experience with bevel rail shortboards, you’re input will be much appreciated, and of course, a picture or drawing is worth a thousand words. well my words anyway. thanks tom…regards to all!

hi tom, in the thread ‘current projects, anyone?’ which is about to scroll > off the bottom of the index, both Tom Sterne and i expressed an interest > in building ‘chine’ or ‘bevel’ railed (are these interchangeable > terms?)fishes in lenghts similar to yours. say you’re thinking a 60/40 > rail, after you shape the upper rail to the 60 line thats when you create > the lower 40 portion of the rail which is a dead flat bevel, right? my > questions; what is the degree of the bevel angle off the bottom? is 60/40 > too much bevel? i’m probably going to shape something 3" thick, 21 - > 22" wide with a 15" winged swallow tail. anyone who has > experience with bevel rail shortboards, you’re input will be much > appreciated, and of course, a picture or drawing is worth a thousand > words. well my words anyway. thanks tom…regards to all!>>>If you plan on putting a chine/bevel(yes it’s the same thing) rail on a board especially a shortboard,let me give you a big tip,MAKE SURE YOUR BEVELED EDGES ARE SHARP/CRISP!!! I cannot emphasize this enough.Herb.

your point is noted, and appreciated Herb. hope you have a great weekend! ramon

Hey Ramon! For the type of board you’re talking about, I’d shape the chines about 1 1\2 inches in and about 3\16 in depth. Start about 8 inches from the nose and end them at the wing if you have one or about 16 inches from the tail or where your hard edge starts. The secret to a good chine is to put it in the VERY LAST THING YOU DO!! This keeps the edge on the bottom and the edge on the rail line crisp. If you soften these edges by fine sanding the board is ruined. If you try to put the edge back on you’ll have potentially too big a bevel and too knifey a rail. Don’t go overboard with the bevels as they have a huge effect! Dont put v or roll in the nose and use less v in the tail. Try some concave between the fins; either single or double. Also, chine boards like what Herb refers to as Superchargers. Aloha!

What do chines do to a boards handling? Say you had two boards that were identical except one had chines and the other had a standard tucked rail. how would they differ in the water? Thanks, Scott.

The chines make the board really loose, they take a little getting used to. aloha

The chines make the board really loose, they take a little getting used > to.>>> aloha Is “chine” similar to what Stewart calls their “hydro hull” ?

hey Tom! thanks very much for the pointers, and i am going to use the Superchargers that Herb sent to me. final question, have you decided on a blank for the chined fish that you have on the drawing board? if anyone’s got a pic or link they can post so that we can see chine railed shortboards, that would be great! thanks again. aloha, ramon

Thanks Tom, it sounds like chines would be a good way to really liven up a wide board.

Ramon, The fish I mentioned in an earlier thread is a board I’ve already been riding.It’s 6-10 and I can take off in the same spot as guys on 9 footers. As far as the blank for that board, it was an epoxy, so the blank wouldn’t relate to a Clark. If I was using Clark, I’d use the 8-3E as you can move the template around a bit and get the rocker and foil right. I actually use that blank for most fishes that need some meat to them. As far as chines(bevels) the worlds most ridden surfcraft features them; The Boogie Board. Yes Stewart uses them also on some boards, mostly fat funboards and some longboards. aloha!

thanks Tom…that’s great to hear, sitting further out on a 6_10 with the guys on 9 footers…i’ve used the 8_3E once when i built a largish egg for my cousin who has recently caught the surfing bug. i can definetely see being able to move around a 6_8 template around on that blank for meaty foil and appropriate rocker. ya know you’ve probably piqued the curiosity of more than just one cat around here…so if you were inclined to post a pic of your epoxy fish here on swaylock’s…well, i’d be on that pic like white on rice. thanks again for your insight, i am most grateful!

Ramon, I’ve yet to purchace a computer friendly camera, so no pix are available. Let me know where you’re located and maybe you could come by the factory and have a look at the board in person. aloha!

hi tom…i live in south florida, my guess is i’d need a plane ticket to get to your shop, unfortunately!..i don’t have a digital camera either, but the foto dept. at my neighborhood chain pharmacy will put my regular camera pictures on CD, and then all i needed was a cd rom drive on my computer (along with MS Photo Editor) to post pics here. i’m not suggesting that you go through the trouble of doing this for me, i’m just mentioning it in case your local foto developers can do CDs, and you want to try it someday. thanks again, ramon

Ramon: E-mail me: I’ve got a picture of a chine rail fish-type to show you that I dug up somewhere. Tom>>> hi tom…i live in south florida, my guess is i’d need a plane ticket to > get to your shop, unfortunately!..i don’t have a digital camera either, > but the foto dept. at my neighborhood chain pharmacy will put my regular > camera pictures on CD, and then all i needed was a cd rom drive on my > computer (along with MS Photo Editor) to post pics here. i’m not > suggesting that you go through the trouble of doing this for me, i’m just > mentioning it in case your local foto developers can do CDs, and you want > to try it someday. thanks again, ramon

Tom…i hadn’t looked in hotmail today! i sent to both of your addresses. THANKS