Micky Munoz

So I came in from paddleing Veterans day morning very early . Two guys paddled in behind me. The one old grey haired guy looked like some one I had meet some where before.  The other guy I see paddleing from time to time and he said see you laiter Micky as they parted ways. On the way home I was thinking that the grey haired guy sure looked like Micky Munoz. I looked on the internet for a pic of Micky and It was Micky or a twin or something ! Anyone know if Micky Munoz spends any time on Kauai ?

    Howzit Wood_Ogre, I have never seen him on Kauai but he could be visiting John Peck who I was told bought a house on Kauai. Maybe he is here for the A.I.  paddle out Sunday. Check out the link to the Surfline link in the Andy thread,I was blown away by how many tribute paddle outs are happening or already happened for Andy all over the world. I am going to have my own in our pool Sunday at 2 PM which is 11 AM Kauai time when the Pine Trees one is happening. Aloha,Kokua

one tip off is micky munoz

is not tall. the other is

he has a distinct profile.

spent time on K  after returning

with cabell from tahiti his boat




Did he look sort of like this?


Did he sort of look like this?

'Cuz if he did, I'm thinking it was probably not Mickey Munoz.

Did he look like this?





Cauz if you did you saw a ghost?!!!!

I know for a fact Mickey is near home in Capo.

 He and Flippy were pretty close and he's been hanging with the family.