!!!!!!!!!!!!! Middle-ear Surgery !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Use regular ''drugstore'' alcohol, and ''grocery store'' white vinegar.  


ok, here are the plugs I use and highly recommend



And I don't have problems with a hood either with these. I find these work well in air temperatures from 10*C up to 30*C - only need a little kneeding at the lower end, which is good when fingers are numb!

Must also be a recipe for making these...maybe Roy knows how  :)

And a recipe for the alcy vinegar mix


I can’t believe how fast the 50/50 solution has worked.

My hearing has improved, my ears no longer clog up, the itchiness is gone when they dry out… the stuff is simply amazing… and I only use it after showering…and I only started using it about a week ago. I’ve been wearing plugs for, I don’t know how long and though they helped they never really solved the problem completely.


I guess the downside is, given my improved hearing, I’ll probably have to start listening… which, right now seems like a small price…



     Howzit kcasey, The mix is better than any thing you can buy. I forgot to take it with me to Mexico oe time and I tried that swimers ear stuff they sell and it did nothing. Have you had your ears checked y an ENT doctor? If you don't have the bone growths than you are lucky and if you use it your chances of getting the growths is nil I would think. The real miracle is how fast it has cleaned Herb's ears and I feel so good that myself and Bill T. knew about it and now Swaylockians are dialed into it also.Aloha,Kokua

Any particular alcohol? Beer??

Can that question.

Yes, years ago I did go to the doctor about my ears. Each time I was simply given a prescription for ear drops, which was an antibiotic of some sort – and a very expensive one at that - and told to stay out of the water until it healed. Eventually however, I started using plugs religiously, which admittedly seems to have controlled the problem, keeping the recurrence of swelling to a minimum.

When I did go to doctors about the problem, if I had boney growths, none of them ever said as much, but most did suggest that my ear canals seemed to be narrower than usual. Surgery was also suggested. However, I know of a couple of people locally who have had the surgery, and the fear of it has kept me using plugs. Which, like I mentioned seems to have controlled the problem. But this 50/50 solution seems to be on its way to eliminating the problem.

Remarkable stuff. It's sort of amazing how such an inexpensive item seems to be providing such joy and relief. If I wasn't so cheap, I'd suggest you and Bill send me a bill. Well, you can, but like I said, I'm pretty cheap and would probably just stiff you both. Knowing what I know now, I like to retroactively stiff the doctors and pharmacies for all the consultations and high end ear drops – we're not talking chump change.

Thanks again, hombre.



Rubbing alcohol with white vinegar…both found at a grocery store, although I often use denatured alcohol instead (found at a hardware store).

If you get drying and cracking of skin in the ear canal (you will know because the alcohol will start to burn a little), take the 50/50 mix and add 5% glycerin (commonly found at a hardware store). The glycerin will keep the skin moist and fresh…

If you are not getting bacterial infections, but just want to dry out your ear canals post surf, just use alcohol and glycerin (95% / 5%).




dean, in the experimental and creative spirit of
Swaylock’s, and it’s pretty clear to me at least, that you are one
with that spirit, I would suggest a Sam Adams Triple Bock with a
high-end balsamic vinegar. If it doesn’t work out, you could also
just add a little olive oil and probably wind up with a great salad
dressing. And if does work, not only will your overall otic hygiene
improve, the odor wafting out of your ears would make you a virtual magnet to
large women with large appetites…why they’d just eat you up (literally).



Nice tip.


who would know that something soooo…bad ,would result in something sooooooooo…good !


Well finally got around to trying the mix. It works! Really well for clearing the earaches I’ve had recently. Good stuff! Thanks!