…Would love to go visit and goof off,but to much going on right now.I have some epic pics of old school skate stuff,fruit bowl in G.G.,Ca.,Dog bowl,compton pools,70s stuff,and a nice collection of old skate stuff. >>>>>>>I was talking to Steve Alba on the phone a short while ago.He was asking about a secret pipeline I know of(it’s 4-8’ under water right now),but Mt.Baldy in open from time to time,and tons of new concrete parks going up all around me,Brea park is the closest to me.Herb…and thanks again.
Surfers, Skaters, Historians… check it out.
Surfers, Skaters, Historians… check it out.>>>>>>>I skated from time to time with most of the Z-BOYS/DOGTOWN bunch.Jay was really cool, use to give me all kinds of skate goodies. >>>>>>>My favorite place to ride was the Oxnard,Ca. VERTI-PIPE.At only 9’ high most people would shy away from it’s oververt tipped-in,flatwalls,very little transition(3-4’max),and tight radius(say 9-10’ across),but Shogo Kubo,and Jimmy Plummer watched me kill that place on a early spring sunday in 78’.If I was ever to build a skate structure in my backyard this would be what I would shoot for.Herb
Herb- You knew Plummer? He’s from here in j-ville, dated my sister in high school. Geez it’s a small world. Whatever happened to Shogo? I last saw him in April '78 here @ Kona skatepark for the U.S. Open. Alva hit on my sister the whole time, called the house, pissed off my dad,etc. Jerry Valdez and Kent Senatore{sp} ripped and Dave Hackett won it all(catching air w/footstraps). jim dunlop (did you put stamps on that package of superchargers?)
Herb- You knew Plummer? He’s from here in j-ville, dated my sister in high > school. Geez it’s a small world. Whatever happened to Shogo? I last saw > him in April '78 here @ Kona skatepark for the U.S. Open. Alva hit on my > sister the whole time, called the house, pissed off my dad,etc. Jerry > Valdez and Kent Senatore{sp} ripped and Dave Hackett won it all(catching > air w/footstraps).>>> jim dunlop (did you put stamps on that package of superchargers?)>>>>>>>>>>>I mailed it out of the post office this time,so if you don’t get them like by the first,I will next day a set.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I ran into Jimmy several times in the late 70s at various skateparks and events in the U.S.I knew he was originally from Fl. like Gelfand was.Shogo is living in Hawaii,building YOU GUESTED IT surfboards for various places,for a living.It really is a small world isn’t it!Herb
Herb- Got the chargers today! Thanks much. Will send remittance tomorrow and e-mail test results in June. Nias could be the definitive test track if it’s not too crowded(unlikely) but there’s unexploited potential to the north and I will give it an openminded,enthusiastic try. jim dunlop p.s. All this Dogtown stuff brings back lots of cool memories. I had fun a lot of fun back then.
Yeah,me too!