Mike Daniel Coil surfboard

Picked up my new coil board from Mike today and there just so happened to be a soild chest high swell in the water.I was very impressed by the board in looks and performance.The first couple of waves can sometimes be a learning process when you get a new board but this board went right from the get go.It had a fair amount of rocker which I prefer especially in the tail so it fit in the wave really well.When I would come off the bottom to hit the lip it turned off the bottom really fast I like that and it had great release off the top as well.I could feel the board flex but it was flex that helped me gain speed when I needed it.I would some it up as a magic board it surfs better than my firewire ever did and I think it is better than my Quad and my quad is fing awesome.Hats off to Mike and Kirk for hooking me up.Whatever they are doing they are doing it right.Oh yeah we might be having a hurricane for halloween in florida.Hopefully not though

So you guys went tranducin’ some shoulder-high faces on your new Coil today, and you met the man himself?

That’s a good day.


Stoked for ya.

good stuff. where do you surf at home – palmetto? or river?

I actually grew up surfing Delray so thats my home break but I do surf palmetto and 40th street when it gets good.

got any photos of it?

Yeah, you selected a good day to pick up a new board. The surf was really fun and had a little meat to it for Florida

standards. Thanks for the feedback, it always makes a shaper’s day to nail one on the first board for a customer.

Having outer-limits technology helps to do that.

I wonder if it’s OK if I mention the ‘‘mystery guest’’ that you brought along?


Hey no mystery dude! It was really nice meeting you and Kirk.

Surfercross was ripping on his new board (I think Karl is part Australian so ripping is in his blood), but also I think the waves were a little better than chest high. Man that was a really fun session.

Very productive road trip, which I dont do often these days.

Please do post some pics of that resin swirl work you guys are doing.



come on guys post some pictures, these boards sound great

I am not very computer literate so posting pics will take awhile.Craftee was also ripping on his five finner saw him throw some buckets of spray on a couple as well as some a nice cover up.Today will be another day seeing how it goes.The surf is smaller.I will update later.

Hi craftee, just didn’t want to discuss your visit unless you were good with that, it was great meeting

you guys. I wish we had more time to talk, but the surf was beckoning. Kirk even called me when I was

heading out , said he came up to my shaping room hoping to catch us and talk a little more, but we had

already left. He was surprised because he knows all too well how much I can talk.

That epoxy resin swirl you saw down at Larry Pope’s didn’t have anything to do with us, Larry sands for

lots of builders on a cash and carry basis. That piece of hand-lam artistry was done by the inimitable Dave

‘‘Davo’’ Dedrick. I will try to get a pic. If we’d stayed in my room longer, I would have shown you a board I

built with Dave almost twenty years ago, a 5 lb, 2 oz. concoction of 1 lb. eps, carbon fiber and e-glass, and

RR epx; with carbon/foam glass-ons.

BTW, I thought the surf was a little better than shoulder high myself. Maybe Karl’s part Hawaiian, cuz on the

North Shore that would have been ‘‘2 foot’’.



I actually grew up surfing Delray so thats my home break but I do surf palmetto and 40th street when it gets good.

right on, man. i’m out there a lot, too. though i must admit, palmetto was absolutely GOIN’ OFF today!!! definitely my break of choice (when it does its thing).

Another day of surfing on the coil and I am finding the board to extremely responsive and when I pump the board I am getting a lot of drive from it.It goes through flat spots really well and it fits in the curve of the wave good as well.It has to be the whitest board I have ever owned.It really stands out and my friends are interested in possibly getting one.Mike I forgot to tell you that craftee is the guy that said that you could make a board as good if not better than a board that I was trying to get from another compsand guy and I am glad I took his advice.

I’m goin’ with that craftee being a really smart guy and good advice-giver.

Glad you like the board.


They’d be even more interested if I could find this pic of the kid doing an 8 foot air on a Coil, but Mike’s gonna have to re-mail it to me to post.

Yessir, I reckon this Mike Daniel character can shape a surfboard, what with 37 years of shaping, surfing, high-performance shaping, experience with Resin Research, friends with Greg Loehr since the beginning, sponsored ams and pros up and down the EC…


Thanks but I think smartass is the word youre looking for…hehe

Seriously, about a year ago, I came across an article about top-of-the-line boat hulls…

then when Mike discussed the board tech, particularly the strength to weight characteristics, it really clicked…coupled with the fact that its home grown, fully custom, it seemed like a no brainer to me. A win win for everyone.

As GregL likes to say…long live custom!

KIRK BRASINGTON shape, COIL tech, ridden by a kid named COLIN. Not too bad.

Photos by Josh Gunter

http://www.joshgunter.com/main_.swf, I think…

correct me if I’m wrong

Thanks for getting the photos up, that air shot is from mainland Mex. Colin O’Rourke is midway through a rotation,

he landed it on the whitewater and could have ridden away from it if he hadn’t ‘‘freaked out so bad’’. as he put it.

In addition to being a rider, Colin also gets his hands dirty and does some of the finish work on Coil Construction

boards (after they come out of the bag).

surfercross mentioned the whiteness of the boards, and a lot of people think we put pigment in them or something.

We don’t. That’s the foam you’re seeing, and eps is very white. The skin is extra transparent because of the low resin

content. Lotsa fiber in there, though.

craftee, you’re going to have to stand in line behind janklow for the smartass job. But I fully agree with your ''long live

custom’’ comment. That is what Coil is all about.



craftee, you’re going to have to stand in line behind janklow for the smartass job.

Erm, whom?

; )

Anything available to buy right now. I was in the shop the other day looking to buy something new. I Coil a brand of board or a technology? Or both. Right now in the average shop Firewire or Lost’s XTR paralell stringer boards seem to look like a good try to me. I am getting close to buying some new techology…where can I hold a Coil? I’m in San Diego by the way.

Thanks for interest, dane. Coil Construction is the term for Kirk and Eric Brasington’s proprietary

vacuum lamination tech, but Coil is also the brand built on that technology. I’ll PM you after I check

on how you might be able to see one of our boards. One of my team guys was just out there but

he’s back east now. I’ll bet we can find some Coil rider that’s hangin’ around socal this time of year…

We also did a few for some high-profile guys out there but I can’t name names, go up to lowers and

snoop around.
