Miki Dora Da Cat Need Some Guidance Have Pics Up Now !!!!

Have Pictures Up Now





I Have a 1966  9 8 Da cat I just purchased i was wondering what would be the best way to restore it.Its solid with no delam  The deck has very few heel pressures the bottom has dings . Would it be better to put a color gloss coat on it or a clear one?  



[img_assist|nid=1057188|title=Da Cat|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=401|height=302]

Why does your apparent ebay URL link back to this page?
And, if you supplied some photos here it would help.

i did upload pictures but thats what came up i dont know send me your email or cut and paste the ebay url

Da Cat

[img_assist|nid=1057183|title=Da Cat 1966 Greg Noll 9 8|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=480]


[img_assist|nid=1057188|title=Da Cat|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=480][img_assist|nid=1057191|title=da cat|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=643|height=483][img_assist|nid=1057186|title=Da Cat|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=519|height=393][img_assist|nid=1057184|title=Da Cat|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=480][img_assist|nid=1057185|title=Da cat|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=480]

I used the name on the LEFT, and it worked just fine!

So what did you think?


URL is incomplete. Photos are too dark to be of much help.

your wrong cut and paste the ebay url the pictures in the ebay add are clear


Nope. When I try to copy the url it redirects to this page. In your first post, the url is incomplete. it appears like this :




See? The end is chopped off.

Anyway, I’m wise enough to just copy the item number and search for the item.

You are correct in saying that the ebay photos are much better than what you provided.

For instance, there’s no way that nuts falling from a tree would cause this to happen to a 60s longboard that was double glassed:



So what did you think?


I think you edited out RIGHT, and replaced it with left.


Imagine trying to split a peak with a guy who confuses left and right? Collision time!!!

Da Cat

[img_assist|nid=1057186|title=Da Cat|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=480]


Sorry, the page you requested cannot be found.

[img_assist|nid=1057184|title=Da Cat|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=480]

[img_assist|nid=1057191|title=da cat|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=480]

Its funny I was just having a beer with rick james who used to shape alot of the da cats for Greg. He is a great guy and lets me use his shaping room here and there down here in Mex. He no likey computers…
