…Anyone else playing around with these ??


 I ask , because …



…to be continued…



[one is being channeled , a finless version …the other [already completed] was a shortened  , thick  , fish-tailed thingy !]


  cheers !





This is the nose to tail view , the bottom of the board …

photo IMG_2432_zpsd4b6cf49.jpg

tail to nose view , pre-cutting of near rail area…

photo IMG_2433_zpse4b3b51a.jpg

stanley ['exacto] knife , to cut along lines …

photo IMG_2438_zpsa34f8fe4.jpg

lift along the lines [a chisel or paint scraper is handy ] …

photo IMG_243_zps4fc29485.jpg

photo IMG_2443_zps75b039fb.jpg

one strip removed , one to go …

photo IMG_244_zps85de4a3c.jpg

 …the tedious work of slowly sanding out the soft foam , for the near-rail channel [ true tedium will be …trying to get the other one ‘identical’ ?!]

photo IMG_2449_zpscd576158.jpg


  Well, the board has now been taken ‘elsewhere’ to be worked on , so …

…maybe the next time I see it , it will be …being surfed by his son ?  [ who enjoyed test piloting the modified softboard fish , finished a few weeks back …]


  cheers !


That doesn’t look like a soft top, to me. Looks more like a typical soft board of the BZ, Greco, etc variety

I had a couple of Surface boards that fell apart.  I was “fortunate” compared to you because the bottom plastic skin unlgued itslef from the blank so all I had to do was peel it off.  The deck was pretty easy to peel off too.  Used my planer to skin the foam padding and get it to the desired thickness.  I reshaped the blank, minimally; re-shaped the rails and then glassed.  Used epoxy and am very happy with the board.

Working on another Surface blank that started life as a 9’+ long board.  Cut it down to a 7’+ mid range board and discovered “stringers.”  They are more like rectangle pieces of plywood that run about 3" off the center of the board, on each side.  This is the first time I’ve shaped with stringers other than the middle of the board so it’s been a learning experience.  

Overall, it’s a good feeling to recycle a board.  I don’t imagine making a performance board out of these blanks but they are good to experiment.  

Keep posting your project and any tips that you have.  I’m sure there are others who are doing the same thing and can benefit from your experience!


 cheers HChou !


  do you have a photo or two of the finished [ reshaped ,  glassed , and finned ] board , please ?


 luckily , on THIS one ,  a small fin was added , for a bit of ‘hold’.


This is from yesterday afternoon [ Tuesday 28th January 2014 ] …


photo IMG_7652_zpse4784324.jpg

photo GOPR1815_zpsbb06edc1.jpg

photo GOPR1816_zps7d66f3ef.jpg

 …the back of the board is quite visible in this shot , too…

photo GOPR1817a_zps535f997e.jpg

photo GOPR1806_zps797cfc80.jpg


" [one is being channeled , a finless version …the other [already completed] was a shortened , thick , fish-tailed thingy !] "


This , is  the " OTHER " …

photo 1017639_725932344092627_1307939609_n_zps8e099f3d.jpg


" I had a couple of Surface boards that fell apart. I was “fortunate” compared to you because the bottom plastic skin unlgued itslef from the blank so all I had to do was peel it off. The deck was pretty easy to peel off too. Used my planer to skin the foam padding and get it to the desired thickness.


I reshaped the blank, minimally; re-shaped the rails and then glassed. Used epoxy and am very happy with the board.


**Working on another Surface blank **that started life as a 9’+ long board. Cut it down to a 7’+ mid range board and discovered “stringers.” They are more like rectangle pieces of plywood that run about 3" off the center of the board, on each side. This is the first time I’ve shaped with stringers other than the middle of the board so it’s been a learning experience.

Overall, it’s a good feeling to recycle a board. I don’t imagine making a performance board out of these blanks but they are good to experiment. "


  hi hchou !

…any updates to report  ?


Do you have any photos of the two boards that you mentioned , too , please ??


  cheers !
