More gloss resin problems

Maybe the bots know you’re stuff is worth reading twice? :slight_smile:

Thanks for the thumbs ups, I have to confess this board should have been named “FUBAR”, its the worst board I have made yet for mistakes during the build! It all came from the wife wanting gold fleck dust in the deck. NEVER again!! Briefly…

Magenta tint bottom, magenta tint deck inlay with a shit load of gold dust. YUK! Could not get it even, she actually liked it but there was no way I was leaving it.

I sanded the deck inlay half way through the 6oz glass as close to foam as i could get to try to remove the flecks of dust (still hoping to do transluscent tinted deck at this point, but flecks of gold still showing due to falling into the holes in the glass.

I tried again, stupidly, AAAgh, still not happy -  sanded off AGAIN.

Now have a pinkish deck with white spots from burn throughs. I then changed tack and realised I needed something opaque but I hate paint and opaque resin decks so I got some gold cloth (like Texalium but gold) which would have looked good, but she doesn’t want to be too much of an attention magnet on the beach (can’t say I want her to either, some of those guys have great pecks and sixpacks left,right and centre!!

Then we thought about a pattern as she loves flowers and she saw some of the beautiful cloth inlaid boards shown here on sways and that sealed the deal for her. Got some ebay cheap stuff  (100% cotton) so I gave it a bash, was VERY close to trashing the board and starting agian, but was so pleased with the magenta bottom lam ( that I decided to keep going until I really couldn’t fix it any more! So I then sprayed the sanded deck inlay area with a light coat of white acrylic, and lammed it with 6oz and slightly white pigmented resin. That made it fairly light coloured and even. Then laminated the flower cloth into the inlay (that tape line was getting seriously bumpy!). Sanded the lap line and wrapped a clear 4oz round the deck to bottom. All in all very pleased, but boy was it close to going in the trash.

Also sprayed the finboxes with acrylic spray paint and quite happy with the result.

I used UV resin for all of it and she really wants to give it a try but don’t want to risk dents so going to try and wait the 2 weeks even though I suspect that UV negates the need for that delay, just want to be safe as this board took a shit load longer than all others due to the mistakes and coverups! really want it to last and not get dented too easy. Anyway, that’s the story of this Fubar board. Thanks for the tips and help to all those who chipped in.

Oh and PS - She wanted soft edged fins so we are trying these out - (with black rubber on edges) - I only realised after installing the fins, they are ALL foiled like centre fins?! I konw they are cheap as hell, but still, will that even work?! I doubt she will notice the difference (very much a beginner/intermediate surfer). I assume they will just reduce turning ability and maybe lose some speed by not funneling the water through the single to double concave I wasted time doing!! At least they won’t slice her open too easily! Thanks again all

Found some in UK - yehaaa

An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field.

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I must be well on the way then!

I usually make my smaller, under working age children move the stuff with chemicals just rubbed on it.  The most sensitive tool you have in your shop is the palm of your hand. Wash hand then touch board and feel for smegma on board. I can actually feel when it is clean enough to move onto the next step. Also like some have mentioned on this thread not to even worry about the resin dust, it just dissolves when liquid resin hits it again. I have one simple rule. Never touch my hair then handle a surfboard.

I would not worry one bit about the double foiled side fins.  Famous guys like Sand Diego shaper Skip Frye does his twin keels that way even when practically everybody else is doing single foiled keels.  I’ve ridden both and although I could tell the difference, it didn’t matter much.  As side bites on a triple fin lay out, I think it would matter even less.  I have used double foiled side bites on a new build but didn’t get a chance to ride the board.  Based on the twinny experience, I never looked back and board owner didn’t care.

Thanks John, that’s put my mind at rest and even more happy with the bargain basement price of $16 for a set of three fins! Maybe not as good as Protec but price is a whole lot friendlier!
