::more on Walker:::

has anyone used their foam? is it the same density as clark? good / bad??

has anyone used their foam? is it the same density as clark? good / bad?? Teddy; just like Clark there is different denities and the foam is somewhat softer not like an ultra-lite but it shapes just a little easier(different might be a better term). I personally really like it but I still use plenty of Clarks too. Bottom line if you like Clark, stick with it ,but if you are open to different things try Walker-Idoubt you’ll be disapointed and their wood glue work is great! (Not to say clark’s isn’t-but you were asking about custom stringers and foam). See what the others say ,don’t just take my word.

Who uses Walker? Answer: Bob Cooper(Cooperfish.com), Donald Takayama, Hap Jacobs, Pat Ryan, I think Tyler does too. Do you need to know more? Not dissing Clark, but 'nuff said.

C.D.B…I just shaped one that a buddy of mine got from you…I think was an 8,4 kinda like the Rusty Blank. It seemed to shape and screen easier and the deck wasn’t so domed…you got my thumbs up.I also liked the fact that the thickness gave me room to play around with foil and rocker.

Walker is superior.