most forgiving resin tint

what color would be the most forgiving resin tint? yellow? thanks austin

…Tou got it man!Yellow is the most forgiving.It will even hide small imperfections,like screen marks,scratches,etc.Herb

…Some of the lighter tints in orange,green,and blue are good to go.Just stay away from dark tints,especially,red,and purples.Herb

that resin tint that cleanlines did on the damascus site and i tried on my last board red/yellow was fine no probs runs and very easy to do.

…is that like a swirl type tint,Paul…Herb

Yellow, abstracts and pastels. Stay away from medium to dark colors. On abstracts if you screw it up just say you meant to that. Eye of the beholder. If they still doubt you, cut off an ear and send it to them.

yeah herb, setup for top cutlap thenjust the two colours mixed with resin and catalysed in seperate pots then thrown on the board and mixed around. [blush])

…You can get away with more in a swirl,that is right up to the point of making mud!I was basically talking about solid lams,but as Rick use to say,“go for it,man”.Herb

my next one is a double lam (deck,bottom) with a moss green tint. i hope it blends nice. the deck layer laps need to be cut the same?

when trying to do a tint would you just tint one layer of the deck then do the top layer clear if you wanted to use lams? and if not how would you do it?

Austin: If you are asking about how to use your inkjet lams then…do your lamination with tint, yellow IS the most forgiving, cutlap etc. A standard lam can be laid on TOP of the lamination with some lam resin with particular care in smoothing out wrinkles and air, THEN hotcoat the whole board. Just be careful when you sand the hotcoat in the area of the lam. Thanks to Cleanlines for this tip. Tom Sterne

if doing a tinted deck and botttom…are all layers of deck cloth layed out and lam’d together? can you lay out one layer with tint, then clear over that?

doing a regular lam and just tinting the hotcoat? how will that fair in the sanding? not good? how bout tinting the hotcoat, sanding and then tinting the gloss?

Not good at all. Hot coat color will sand trough.

I have done boards with one color cut lap bottom and another color on the deck lam inside the bott. laps.For example you can do the bottom in red…cut the laps…tape off the laps ont the deck and do yellow on the deck panel.Trim the yellow…clean it up a bit and then go ahead and free lap the second deck layer as normal.This gives you two colors and the advantages of free lapping.After hot coating and sanding you will probably need a pinline to cover the transition.The blue “Ice Cream Swirl” we talked about several weeks ago was a variation of this theme.It aint rocket science and was common in the seventies.I have been out for a while and its great to see Greg on the site,he has done it all plus more.I can remember Greg delivering Clark blanks in a giant Dodge Power wagon but thats another story. R.B.

well i gave it a go and i have a pretty bright yellow banana longboard now. it looks sweet though. thanks yall. austin