MSFg2 fins

Has anyone heard of guy putting side fins on the CI MSFg2 surfboard?

If so, what was the outcome?


I have a g1. I was thinking about trying it…but then I came to the conclusion that the board is too expensive to just tamper with. You should just leave it alone. However if you do deside to put fins I would probably reccomend a 2+1 setup. I would also reccomend glass ons because if you don’t like the way it ride you can just cut them off…sand and polish and your back in business.

Well why stop at adding two fins double that and you can have this! Actually there have been a few retro fits in San Diego. One of the guys that posts on the board here does it. He does a spectacular job (you can’t tell that they are not original). I won’t mention his name unless he doesn’t mind. The addition of these fins changes the boards dramatically.

I wonder how that would work on a G1? The G1 is thicker and not as movable as the g2. I might make more sense to just do the 2+1 on my board and do the full on bonzer on Dans board. Thanks Stony you shed some light on my situation as well.

Both the MSF and MSF G2 have been done. I still have the MSF 5 fin version and agree with you. It is scary making those type of changes to a new board but sometimes they work out for the better. If you do want to do it have someone VERY knowledgeable work on it. Feel free to PM me for more thoughts.