Multiple color resin tints

We want to use a different color resin tint on the deck than the bottom, and have been searching the archives for advice on how to deal with the laps and haven’t found anything. We are planning on having the bottom color tint wrap around the rails while the deck tint stays within my railbands. We are thinking of taping off the rails and pouring the tinted resin on the deck and letting it become tacky then removing the tape and applying clear resin on the rail laps. Will that work OK?

…are u planning on having the decks lap wrap arounf over ur bottom color? might look weird. i would say do ur regular cutlap lam on the bottom, then tape offf the rails, and glass on the deck, as if it were a patch of sorts, and then cut the line, right along ur lap line from the other tint…and of course clean it up with a resin pin. am i understanding what ur trying to do right?? i dont know why u’d want the 2 colors to overlap and make some haggard color

Our plan is to cut a patch of cloth for the top lam and then tape the rails and laminate it with the tinted resin. After the deck lam has set we are going to laminate extra cloth over the rails onto the bottom with clear resin. We are hoping this will compensate for the patch on deck not lapping around to the bottom.

1)Tape the deck so when you laminate the bottom, you can lap onto the tape, then peel it up and cut the lap at the tape edge. 2)Tape the rails on the deck and just use one layer of cloth for the deck color. Once it has gone off, peel up the tape and cut the glass at the tape line 3)Laminate another layer over the colored deck ‘inlay’ with a lap onto the bottom with clear resin. 4)Hotcoat and sand 5)Put a pinline on the sanded hotcoat over the ‘joint’ where deck color and rail color meet. 6)Seal with a final coat - acrylic coat, resin gloss coat, etc

thanks alot. maybe we will post a picture when its done!