Far out! You destroyed my whole day, man. Like totally cheap, shrink-wrapped boards marketed just like cans of dog food and freekin bodyboards molded in third world nations? Way to go you guys! Costco is the bomb. I see the end coming. Dharmon, in sustained retox
couldn’t somebody hire a terrorist to destroy all costco locations? i mean, that is american capitalism at its worst if that’s what they want to destroy. This sucks, if i see one of these boards, i’m going to be soooo pissed
Long ago & far away I got my first store bought surfboard…at Sears & Robuck!! It was an ugly thing with red & whith swirls of thick pigment all over. It came from the Acmy surfboard company circa 1960. The folks ment well when they bought it for me but, the vibes down at the bu were a joke. All I could think about was how I could get a real board & be cool with all my heros at the beach. I learned to surf on that log. I patched it, pigmented it & made a really cool “skag” (fin for you young guys) in wood shop. The point is it got me surfing & stoked. When it died, as all surfboards do, I bought a brand new Con, cuse it was cool! All those kids from cosco will be do’in the same someday, because those boards won’t last more than one hard season, & they are not COOL!!!