my board what do you think?

we have built a 10’6 by 24 thats 3’1\2 inches in thick polystyrene. It weighs 8.8kg and is glassed with 2 layers of normal 6 ounce cloth each side it has no stringer just a 3 inch strip of uni directional carbon wrapped round it lengthwise under the glass. it also has a thin layer of pvc foam as a patch on the deck to stop compression dings. it seems to go really well on our small doughy local waves. it is set up as a 3 fin system with small side fins and a fatboy center fin these fins are set fairly well forward, it is a rounded pin tail with flat forward sections thru to mild rolled v thru the tail. it is fast and paddles really easily so the locals dont seem to like it much and try to knock our boards all the time. wat do other people reckon about these boards everyone who rides them comes in with a huge grin. no pics as yet tho