my EPS block is waterproof...(WTF?)

thanks Haavard. probably will suck water through a lam ding if it ever undergoes heavy stress during its life, but no suction under vac test–most notably the 1cm thick test I did which was really interesting, had the cap pressed way into the bead, the vac pressed hard on the other side. Not a f%$king drop expelled.

Nice foam, loving its characterstics so far. Call it Markoi, Fused Cell, Surftech wannbe, what have you. At 1.5#, this bead shapes similarly to a generic 2# block. Someone commented that it’s dense, sands “fluffy” or micro tears the bead as opposed to bead pull-out. They are correct. I look at that as an opportunity for a better mech-bond to the resin. I’m sanding my bottom and decks at 60g, my rails at 80, filling in with micros, finish sand at 100 and then glassing.


from the time of my youth I have seen docks built with huge blocks of EPS for floatation, they remain in the water for years, but are not in an enclosed environment, once you encapsulate EPS and separate it from the outside atmosphere, this is where change happens, you have the barometric pressure of the day it was glassed and the moment the skin is broken. Like Every surfer said, it either is inhaling or exhaling, break the skin,  remove it from the water immediately


I think running out the water Baywatch style after a ding is overkill. Not all EPS is created equal what I learned from all this, there’s some real quality fused s*#t out there. With this foam I’m using I’m gonna surf it dinged, maybe with a vented leash plug worst case. Or no vent at all; I can’t see a vent being of use on this foam, air can’t pass through it at 1 cm thick, high vac pressure, deformming the foam to a 1/8" sliver. Board will snap in two before it takes a “breathing” lesson from the ocean, based on my own obs.

Gonna stop following this chat, nothing else to add. Stoked I found it; works sick, give it a shot if you can find a block of ACH Geo.