Herb, what are the lines in the tail tips of this board? Also, I really like the airbrush work. Nice effect of reflected water. Who did it?
Sammy, I’ve not talked to Herb yet, but those '‘lines’'look to me like saw cuts. If true, Herb is the one to say why.
Would it be to allow the tail to flex somewhat indepentently of the rest of the board? I’d like to know what’s the deal and date with that rather rectangualar board in the pool. It looks fun.
Also waiting in line to see this board. Guns are cool, and I never ride them or need them really so I find them interesting.
nice guess bill…i’ll have to keep that in mind for my next water reflection paint job !!! sammy,i did the air brush work(like most of my boards, i do all the work from a to z,except making the blanks,and sometimes i make those as well).the lines are done with a white base,
topped with peril…It’s my patented signature paint job !
…ooooh ya thanks for appreciating the paint works sammy !
sammy/droidberg: the lines in the tail are just that…tail stiffeners/reinforcements…are made from soild mat fiberglass(first team home for sale signs)…after i finish the board, i cut into/thru the tails and simply glue and sand them flush(top and bottom). it allows the tails to work independently w/o washing out like split tails do(works more like a solid square tail with the benefits of a split tail).the reinforcers really do make a big difference,as well as keeping the tail tips from getting annoying tip dings in them.you can do this with justa bout any type of multi-tipped tail…i got this ideal from Rich Harbour back in the early 70s…the only difference is he used wood under the glass… which created more problems that it was worth to Rich…mine never cause any adverse reactions in the latter…ps. you can use many types of material, including ,but not limited to… fiberloaded pvc signs… or left over fins,etc.
my best to you guys…keep the stoke going strong !
droidberg, the rectangular looking board is a finless board…built in like 2010 i think…i shelved this wonder board due to it’s controversy…you can say it’s my spruce goose.
For this gun, which is a 1964 pintail design that I created for Jim Fisher, I’ve done a redesign of the original period fin. I’ve shortened the base by an inch, increased the angle of attack of the leading edge, and increased the depth from 7 inches to 7 3/4th inches. All the foregoing to increase the sensitivity and ease of turning, as well as increase hold high in the steepest part of the wave. The fin will employ a textured surface. The target weight for the finished board is in the 16 to 17 pound range. I’ve barely gotten started, and am already having fun. The real fun will be when I transform the board in my mind into the board on the racks.
bill, that’s who we are…looking forward to seeing the finished board…my best to you.
Well, I’m off to J&W Redwood today, to select the wood for the stringer. A 2’’ x 6’’ x 10 foot kiln dried piece of RW, is what I’m after. The wood will be split and milled to two 1/2 inch thick pieces. These will then become the center stringers, with a special treatment in the nose of the board. More on that later.
The available wood, of the quality I required, was not in the 2 x 6 x 10 bin. I ended up with two excellent quality 1 x 6 x 10 Redwood pieces. The wood has well matched grain and color. Really light weight too. While the board is intended to be a big wave workhorse, I still like to make boards with distinctive good looks.
sammy/droidberg: the lines in the tail are just that…tail stiffeners/reinforcements…are made from soild mat fiberglass(first team home for sale signs)…
Herb, your tail inserts make me think wing spar…
Well, the two excellent, light weight 1 x 6 x 10 ‘‘redwood’’ stringers I picked up, turned out to be Western Red Cedar!!! Super dry, and light. The cedar was in the redwood bin, so I mistook it for redwood. That is until I cut the rocker into it. That unmistakable odor of cut Cedar filled the air. Cedar was my first choice for this board anyway. Stronger and lighter, all in one! The blank is on back order, so next monday is the expected date of delivery.
Did you order the blank from US Blanks?
They are great. They will cut it for you and send it out in two peices.
Saves a lot of trouble cutting out the stringer. Which I’ve done/do a lot of.
Looking forward to seeing this board,
Post photos!
Bill, Did you order the blank from US Blanks?
Yes, the 10’ 6 A Gun blank, to make the 9’ 6’’ x 21’’ Pintail Gun. This board will have a few special tweeks, to enhance speed and performance in very high AoA maneuvers.
At last, the blank arrived today. The glueup, with any luck, will be done tomorrow, IF the small nose wedge that I want to do can be done. Then, the real fun can begin. For guns, I always start with a full size layout on paper, to see how the lines flow at that given size. I’ve not yet decided where to have the glassing done, so I’ve got to get crackin’ on that too.
Don’t forget pics bill, we love pics!.
Don’t forget pics bill, we love pics!.
I know, I do too. But, I’m not setup to post them. I’ll take some, and then have them posted by someone else, on the forum.