My fin setups ....test rides [ reports]

Rode it in small onshore waves today , with THIS setup …

…but, I prefer THIS

I’ve ridden this setup for the last five days …got some fun ones on tuesday , and saturday [today] , both offshore and faaast waves . Some fun rights at 5am today. But poor ‘eno’ , on my 7’ singley … for some reason he didn’t have a real good one . [Sorry mate !]

IF there is any swell left tomorrow , I hope to be able to ride THIS …

… while Pascal [‘popeye’] gets some on his 9’ mal , hopefully …

cheers !


i read your thread, and i too have been testing various fin set-ups for both quad & 5 fins…difference is i have been using 4 way fin system to help me fine-tune my surfboard configuration that’ll suit the conditions. It’s been a really interesting experience being able to test the different toe-in, forward & backward positons of the fins as well as splay options with the same surfboard. Be great to hear your opinions, cheers guys.

here’s a pic of the D5 fin set-up, cheers.

thanks for the feedback , surfrat !

unfortunately I couldn’t see the photo .

…if you’d like to save it as a ‘jpeg’ , it would be cool to see other’s experiments , DEFINATELY !

if you have any trouble with the pic size or anything , I can private message you my email address , if you like , and I’ll attempt to post it here for you …



… meanwhile …

[this board , though much damaged and waterlogged now , still gets used for the occassional go-out.

today is VERY small , though …]

Hi Chip,

I was wondering- when you testing a new set up and it’s not working quite right, how do you resist the urge to run abck to your car and change them out?

My problem, now that I have a functional 2 board quiver (wow 2 boards that work), is after each wave I’m thinking- maybe I should run back and get the other board- could have made that wave /hit that lip a little better.

If had all those fins I’d be like the kid in the toy store told to choose just one.

“I was wondering- when you testing a new set up and it’s not working quite right, how do you resist the urge to run back to your car and change them out?”

… easy, no car to run back to !

and ,

because of the proliferation of thieving low-lifes at the beach early in the morning nowadays , I don’t take anything else with me.


Hi Ben,

i tried saving the image another way, hope u get this,


Surfrat, what kind of boxes are they?

Those fin boxes are from 4 Way Fin System:

They allow me to move my fins up & down, toe-in or out as well as change the splay/cant.

They are really versatile and helps me go a long way to make sure my customers get the board they really want! Been using the 4ways for years now, and honestly, they just keep coming out with new innovative concepts all the time.

I don’t use anything else!

If anyone asks for anything else, i penalize them and make them pay more!

Hope that helps…


cheers mate ,

that looks like a lot of fun !

is there any chance that you could also report your findings here at sways of all the different setups , please ?

…now …

how about two more plugs [one on each rail] , in front of your existing front side plugs ?



i was pretty much influenced by an australian shaper, Bruce McKee, now based in europe. however due to the different foil types from 4 ways ( i have modified positions slightly to suit the fins they have and my different shapes. On the board that i posted (5’10 x 19 x 2 1/4" swallow) , i set the rear fin at 3" and the front fins at 11 1/4" and the rear side fins (quads) at 5", cheers