My first...#001

My first… 6 Months (!!!) in the making. Done with a surform and sandpaper (and a little black plane).

Took a forever because I was out with surgery for 3 months. Shaping in 90 degree florida sun was tough too.

Many mess ups along the way. Big measuring error cut the size down by close to 5 inches.

Glassing wasn’t too bad on the bottom (save the laps). The top of the 2 layers on the deck ended up making a ton of bubbles on the rails, so I’m expecting some delamination there.

But I’m glad I made the countless errors that I did. Learned so much and still have a eternity more to learn. Plan on starting #002 this week, this time with a power planer and some cooler weather!

The dark spots are where I spackled. Had some spots where a few screws were sticking up out of my shaping racks and gouged the foam. I realize now that i probably didn’t need to spackle as much as i did. (Nice laps, eh?)

Hopefully it floats. poly, 4’10 x 21W x 18"N x 17"T

Well done on completeing No. 1!!

You realise that now you are addicted and doomed to a life covered in fine white dust…

Nice poster too :slight_smile:

got any shots of the rocker…

Nice one SA! I’m just finishing my first fish and I have made a million mistakes, not the least of which was my Staffy eating my first blank! I had to regrind a lot of my laps and butcrak cause the lam resin went off to quick. Dry spots galore. had so much trouble getting the glass to wrap properly at the nose and pins and butcrack (horrible!) Still, it will float and im sure i’ll get a few waves and after all, isnt that what its all about?

Good luck on number 2!!


Congrats on your first board SAs, welcome to the learning curve

Now tell us what you’re going to be doing with that blank next to it…

well done on #001. many pitfalls and mistakes lead to many lessons and the only ones who don’t make mistakes are those that never try. good to see you are ready to go again. let us know how the test ride goes, enjoy and remember it’s all for fun.
