Please tell me what you think. Thanks to all who helped, especially w/ my epoxy questions. Ill be starting on board 2 soon. it will be a 10’6" classic longboard, or a 6’0" shorthboard. not quite sure yet. Please leave comments and suggestions. I’d love to hear what everyone thinks.
Another really good first board hits swaylocks. Well done Scott. Let us know how much fun it is to ride. And like surferguy, give us a smile, your board’s okay.
forgot the dims. it’s 7’0", 14" nose, 20" center, 15 1/2" tail. There was no smile cuz my dad was giving me crap for how much money i spent on it. (he was taking pic) ill post another pic tomorrow w/ a big 'ol smile.
Great job !!! & I appreciate all your posts - I have been building my first board at the same time & am lagging…
Tell Dad all the cost savings crop up on board 2 - 4999… Build him one & drag his ass out surfing!
1] board is nice
2] it would go well as a single fin too [just my bias creeping in , sorry mate…but , TRY it … YOU might like that option , too?]
3] laugh at your dad …if he had to buy you a new board , it would have cost HIM a lot more than what YOU spent …a LOT more !!
4] yep, Greg [‘‘Wildy’’] said it …be happy , you’re riding a handmade, custom shape !
5] ENJOY !!
…and let use know how it rides , eh ? I hope you get some good waves to test it out in , SOON !!
I , too, have enjoyed your posts since you arrived here
keep up the stoke mate !
Aloha Scott,
wish you all the best ,let us know how it goes!
I kinda see my dad’s opinion on my spending. I had to buy tools. I racked up near $800 in supplies. and as far as my dad saying surfing is a wasste of time… I gave him crap for that. He has been surfing since 1965 when he got his first board. My mom made him stop. His mind has been warped. I think I will make him one and bring him back to the light. THanks for all your comments on my baord. Ill post board 2 when I start work on it this winter. in the mean time ill just chime in on posts.
Good stuff!
So i guess i will see how it rides when you come on down to Galveston.
I need to start working on my first board but with all the racing i just haven’t got the time right now.
Anyway good job and i would say the 10’6 as your next board. Those are fun as hell to ride.
Great! well, ill bring it down and let you try it out. see how you like it… its just “rough around the edges” both figuratively and somewhat literally. lol. see you in a few weeks and hopefully a few others from sway’s. O ya, i decided to do the 10’6"… just hard to transport.
I kinda see my dad’s opinion on my spending. I had to buy tools. I racked up near $800 in supplies. and as far as my dad saying surfing is a wasste of time…
I assume that the largest expense was the tools. Good tools cost money and it will only be a waste if you don’t MAKE MORE BOARDS!!!. Make the next board a 10’6" and give it to your dad. Get him back out in the water, it’s good for the soul. Great job on your first board. Rick
Lovely board man,
sod making your dad a board, loan him your tools and force him to make his own and drag him back in. By now your mum should be glad to get shut of him for a few hours a week, my wife is with me.
Jase (MMM)
nice one scott.i like the retro shape.i think chipfish could be onto something.
well done for your fist board
im impressed