Getting near to finishing, decided to post this here. I put some pics in What Are You Working On, but here is the whole build.
Getting near to finishing, decided to post this here. I put some pics in What Are You Working On, but here is the whole build.
s-cloth glass, SB112 resin, lam coats top and bottom, currently 16 lbs. 7 lbs. before planks, 14 lbs. before glass.
Killer, absolutely stunning!
Holy gawd that thing is beautiful. What sort of wood did you use? How does it ride??
I’ve been wanting to tackle one of these for a long time, but at my pace I think it would be a very, very long-term project.
Fantastic work!
Thanks. It's mostly redwood, cedar, and pine (or clear fir? not 4 sure on that!) with some poplar and a few strips of mahogany for accent. The frame is 1/8" oak veneer plywood. Mainly, whatever I had laying about! Not completed yet, so it hasn't seen the ocean. Hope to get it done this week - maybe in the water in Ventura this weekend, if my booties and gloves get here in time! But I don't know - this epoxy resin SB112 is kinda slow drying!
I started it a little over a month ago - and it does have a lot of hours in it. But a lot of that is because I've never built a board before, so I'm fighting the learning curve. And because its from scratch, (my own design) I didn't have a clear picture of the sequence etc, so I was kinda making it up as I went along. Many thanks are owed to T2S and the helpful blokes over there!
That is truly impressive.
How much does it weigh? The wood work is beautiful, but I would think it would end up pretty heavy. Maybe I'm wrong, my wife says that all the time.
[quote="$1"] How much does it weigh? The wood work is beautiful, but I would think it would end up pretty heavy. Maybe I'm wrong, my wife says that all the time. Mike [/quote]
At 17 lbs. it is 5 lbs. heavier than my foam board, which is 12 lbs.
Outstanding HB
Utterly unreal. That truly is stunning, them's some fine skills you have there. Fascinating build method too. Kudos indeed.
Thanks for the kind words all, and for lookin' in on my first build. Just got her finished today (finally!)
are you going to sell this board or surf it?
That is beautiful and awsome at the same time !!!!! WOW !!!!!!
On a scale of 1 - 10 in my opinion it comes in at a 20 ...
[quote="$1"] are you going to sell this board or surf it? [/quote]
I built it to surf. a lot of people these days, I'm strapped for cash and might consider selling. Then again, this was my first, a learning experience - its got its little flaws. I plan on building more, many more, and will doubtless be selling some of them, if I do - since my board space is limited!
…no words. That thing is absolutely beautiful.
I've had it out twice so far. Getting a little closer to getting it wired, but still have some distance to go!
How much does it weigh ??? Just curious ...