Thanks heaps , Hicksy, for your hospitality , the use of your blank , garage , the tail and nose block making , help with the rails , and advice on glassing with epoxy !
Okay , crew…here are some shots , I hope you enjoy them …
cheers !
the butchered blank [not by me , this time , for a change !]
the bottom…
the deck… (a 9’3 Burford blank)
and …this was a few days later , after painting , noseblocking , and glassing the bottom …
9’ is a lot of board , when I’m used to shaping and glassing 5’7"s and 5’11"s !
nose and tail blocks are a fair bit / a lot of work [thanks again, Hicksy !]
glassing with epoxy… things I needed to learn…
a] relax ! I needed to stop thinking in terms of "uh oh better move fast , it will gel in 20 minutes ". Not with epoxy.
b] what seemed like “not nearly enough resin” , was in fact , enough !
…900 grams was what I used for the bottom , and the rails . I mixed four separate batches . Two for the bottom , two for the rails. And I ended up with probably 100 grams or more left over , so , following Roy’s suggestion , I whacked that in the freezer overnight for tomorrow .
Used a brush [That too, was different to squeegeeing polyester !!]
As I write this at 11pm saturday night , it is now still a little sticky [the resin , not the weather …it’s around 17C at the moment ]. So, I’ll let it “set” overnight , then flip the board and , hopefully, get to glass the deck tomorrow while Grant takes the three musketeers to nippers [junior surf lifesaving]
I’m thinking about 1000grammes of epoxy should do for the two layers of 6oz on the deck…
My advice, for the money perspective and ease of doing etc… if your gonna do a swirl just to do it, stick with the poly, but if you want do the epoxy, just make sure you mix up a good bit of extra and not choose colors that blend to well becuase its hard to get the resin to bleed in under the rails without mudding them up… Also, if your gonna do a double layer for the swirl side, do the swirl on one layer and then go back and do the other one after or something… trying to do a double 6 oz epoxy swirl was a night mare. Heat the epoxy too, then add the pigment and hardener and stuff.
Chip, I like the shape…Looks like you kept it on the wide side Bravo! Hips, too…and a nice square tail…
You better be careful! First, its epoxy. Next thing ya know, you’ll be raving about your cross step on “these beautiful little knee-high peelers that go on for 300 meters, mate!”
…“Caveman style” … I used… “exacto knife” , masking tape around box , cut out foam , chiselled stringer to required depth , evened out the bottom. Half filled the hole with resin and milled fibre, then masked off finbox with fin in it . Squared it all up. Let it set.
Okay , so here are the dimensions , for anyone who’s interested …
17" x 9’ x 21 1/2 " x 14 " [6" pod]
5" nose rocker
4" tail rocker
and yes , I’ve been practicing my cross-stepping , on hicksy’s "hixtreme’’ longskate , and a mate’s mals …