hi guys… i need help.!!! i cut half of my board and now i want to make a tamplate for the other half… what’s the best way of making tamplate that easily to be cut. i tried making tamplate from boxes from supermarket but it was very hard to cut, so what material should i use to create my tamplate?? please help… im stuck!! thanks…
Ben, I used lightweight cardboard for a template. It doesn’t have a honeycomb center and it cuts pretty easily. It came out of a pack of 24"x36" paper that they have at architect/engineer/surveyor offices or places they get supplies from. Here’s a pic:
1/8 ''masonite yes the stuff made by the famous religeous cult of the same name an offshoot of the Carpentarians . every sheet 4x8 is blessed by a magi
termites only eat the outside as the glue is difficult for their chronic diverticulitus.Tooling with a variety of implements and durable …velocity of impact is capable of withstanding full unconcious spinner router bit can ride on w.out burning and yes without a bearing,can butt join extensions with glass on technique wont crumble like doorskin will water damage if not tempered…ambrose… router cutout mini grinder rough and hand plane tune and paper and block finish template in under 1/2 hour 9’ template,of course after glass-on extension how hot is a hot batch,?