My new Joe Blair Mini-Gun

Just wondering if anyone’s interested in this board.I guess he shaped with Dick brewer and Simon Anderson.Looks like it’s from the late late 80’s. It’s a 7’2"x19.75"x3". Should be a good Paddler.I’ll post picks soon.Just wanted to get some feedback here since it will be a while untill I can ride it in big surf.

I’m a JB fan. the guy definately slings mean planer. Worked with him a bit in FL. The loudest shaper I ever heard. Never could figure how he gets that many decibles out of a skil 100. Has definately figured out how to turn it up to 11.

Cool.I hear nothing but good things about him and the fact that he shaped with Brewer tells me he knows what he’s doing.I got the board used for $100. If it was December it would have sold for more. I just couldn’t pass it up.I had a freind pick it up for me so I’ve only seen pictures.The first thing he told me is “it’s thick!”…

This is a good thing in Oregon.

How many fins?


Yea, sounds like an 80’s board. Probably rides great

Blair’s been around a while–circa '74-'76 he and I shared a shaping room @ Sunset Beach with the late Jim Turnbull (rest his gentle soul). When Joe split in the summer to shape in Florida, I ghost-shaped his Surfline Hawaii boards so that he could keep a presence in their racks. Had to do it on the QT because at the time I was shaping for Lightning Bolt and the rivalry was intense–nobody got work from both shops. A couple of years ago he was shaping some really far-out wave-skis that a neighbor of mine was riding and promoting.

Hi. Joe has shaped several of my boards and I’ve really enjoyed them all. I have a 7’5" that is very close to yours in dimensions and it rides great.


It’s in pretty good shape for its age.Still light. Those rails must be 3" thick with the 45 deg. rails. Can’t find my tape but it feels to be about 20" wide.

The Brewer rail is the closest rail to what I have on this board .If my memory serves me well this is the typical early to mid 80’s rail.How does this fair to the newer 50/50 rails of today?




Well I gave it a good kick in the ass this weekend. Man I love this board. It catches waves so easy. When I take off I don’t have the urge to go straight up the face like on modern boards. It kind of tracks fast smoothly down the line, “a section maker” if you will.

  It’s a little hard to sit on because of the  buoyancy and narrow tail. You also have to be just in the right spot on your chest for it to paddle the most efficiently .It also doesn’t cut-back backside in the normal fashion. I thought it would be hard to turn but when you get on the tail it really whips around. Must be the heavy V in the tail.Death to potato-chips!

I think from the look of the beak nose it must be more early 80’s.


If I could take this board and modern it up with a squash tail ,“think a M-13” I might be even more happy.            Than again maybe not.          I’ve lost hope in most modern designs.

Just out of curiosity ,how would an 80’s tri-fin gun surf with the widepoint pushed foreward? I only ask because I think it would paddle and catch waves so well and that’s what is more importaint to me at this point in life.Thanks

For those interested, check this: