Well I’ve read a lot about quads recently and until now i wasnt really going to join the craze/jump on the bandwagon due to a truthful comment i read from a shaper i respect alot.
However, I feel like i’m being a toolkit by ignoring quads and dont want to be like a lot of guys were when simon’s thruster came out. I guess what fueled my curiosity and my (must do it attitude) was when I saw a guy with a local shapers board as a quad down in my quiet little home town of Avoca. If the craze is hitting here i wanna be among the first to get on it. Also I rode a quad many years back in Bali and had a blast on it! the board i’m reffering to was a 1980s Japanese swallow tail quad that was pretty beat up.
Anyway I have two boards I plan to convert. The first is a beat up 80s thruster with back fin box to remove the back fin. I’m chosing to do this board first to see if A) i’ve got enough skills to do a good job of putting in fcs plugs and B) to see if i like quads. The other board is my poly thruster with fcs plugs from a couple of years back.
in saying this it is possible i may not do this at all. lol.
So what do you think about my fin placement.
The front fins are 11" up at the trailing edge.
I was thinking of putting the back fins 5 1/2" up the board and 1 5/8 - 1 3/4" from the rail.
Would this be good for a quad fin? I’ve read the Mckee formula isnt prefered by many and i thought the back fins look to far in off the rail. I also wanted the back fins to be able to turn tight in the curl but want to maintain a little bit of the feeling of having a cluster of fins to act as more of a single fin if you know what i mean.
Feedback much apreciated.
Also, Can you still get the old fcs plugs or are they all the new red and blue ones? and to the aussies, where abouts on the central coast of nsw can you get fcs plugs or is there an online retailer?
Cheers again.