Name for New Surf Brand

Well we actually don’t have a filter yet that eliminates behavior that might be perceived as annoying to some members, which ironically appears to have worked to your advantage here in ways you probably wouldn’t grasp.

Childish Tards is the name of my rock band.

Carry on :slight_smile:

ROXY successfully represents the female surfing athletes in the sport. Maybe something that rhymes with Roxy, that represents the male surfing athletes, would be the ticket to fame and glory?

Of course it is likely that EVERY single name that has been proposed has been seized and is now protected even if the bot that seized it has no intention of actually using it. There are ‘domain searches’ that are set up to do nothing but ‘mine’ entries, register the name if it isn’t already registered, and try to charge for that domain name. I.E. if it wasn’t taken before, it sure as hell is now. If you are serious, get the name, establish it with some sort of merchandising to prove it exists (and when), THEN try to get it registered. Using the internet as a search tool for a domain name is a sure way to lose that name to somebody who is quicker on the draw.

PS - recent internet news… “It’s referred to as “Domain Squatting”—folks who register potential URLs at low cost, then resell at a serious uptick when a buyer comes along—are not uncommon. What’s uncommon—unprecedented, even—is netting $2.6 million for a single address, which is what Chris Clark earned when he sold in 2008. Clark originally purchased the URL for $20 in 1994.”

Doxy.........Foxy...........Moxy...........Poxy.    And if you make a fish model, Loxy !

I am way more systematic with potential rhyming names . Alphabet method…Aoxy…no, Boxy…still chickish so no, Coxy…wow, total guy themed, any dick would want to wear my stuff…SOLD. Hope the web site is available and not porn related.

Got me looking back at what I used.
At first it was simply “SURFBOARD”
Much later HB days we had a photog named Flame
inspired a label I used, Blaze.
I still like it.
But it died in 1982…
Don’t know if anyone is claiming it now

I know how hard it is starting up something you think you will love. There are forums that might be better to ask for ideas. Anyway I have changed my logo only 3 times since '68. The last time I went to an online design forum where I found new designers who would put my idea into reality. It was a bid type site where I could view their ideas and purchase the artwork I like the best. Do a google search for logo designers. Also, yeah, it’s a business. Overhead is the killer. Why do tees cost $28 and are made on imported shirts? Overhead + profit. Don’t know if you have taken any business classes, that was my first step back in the day. Lastly, think core; “The Water Way”, “WaterWays”, “Core Is Water (CIW)” "Core Are Waves (CAW), COW, etc… use your mind. “The average business start-up is funded at 15K and fails within 2 years” Wall St. Journal It’s a tough road… good luck. Just my 2c…

Chicken Poxy Surf Designs… Ebola, gluten, and GMO free. Offer free avocado toast, and a beard trim with every steer board sold…wait! that’s it STEER BOARDS… “Boards that almost turn, that’s no bull…Honest!”

hey fix that logo, your surfboards are 2 straight lines, and your fins are huge… Nothing screams “I am clueless” than a surf company that doesn’t even know what a surfboard looks like.

you can send me my consulting fee in avocados.

I have been avoiding this thread like the plague.
1 because the topic irks me and 2 because “if you can’t say something nice…”
I’m seriously surprised that’s it’s gotten to 3 pages.
But, since it’s made 3 pages and doesn’t seem to be dying any time soon, here’s what I think…

You seem like a nice person Theronin but I sincerely hope from the bottom of my heart that this endeavor crashes and burns miserably, epicly fails, and becomes the butt of surfer jokes everywhere.

IMO, there is no way to dip your toe into the “surf-industry” by making a brand without going totally contrary to all the things that make surfing great.

Millions of other businesses you or anyone could start.
Why surfing? Hasn’t it been thoroughly bastardized, and whored?