Name given to black wetsuit gluegun glue?

I’m sorry to post about wetsuit making but I can’t see a forum for offtopic, I hope this is ok here.

I think the hot melt glue used to cover blind stitching on wetsuits has a little more flex than standard glue… but what is it called?






I did asking on that in a larger dive shop that had some clear seam sealer "Aqua Seal" that looked pretty good and expensive. The "Aqua Seal" came in a bigger more economical volume but was slow to set up so an accelerator was offered but it could cause cracking with age. Asking about the "liquid" sealer used on retail wet suits brought on the unobtainium answer, like available nowhere in the US. I don't believe it so I continue the seach also.

I’ll try normal glue on an old suit and also try scraping and remelting previously used glue as an experiment…