
This paipo’s name is “Namkhai.”

Length: 4’10"

Nose: 17 3/4"

Center & Widest Point: 21 1/4"

Tail: 18"

Distance between pins: 12"

Fins: 4 1/2" Rainbow keel fins, glass-on Fishtail cutaway depth: 4"

Nose rocker: 3"

Tail Rocker: 1 1/2"

Contours: This board has a flat planing surface, with a slight “V” behind the fins, and with “hidden chines” on the rails extending from near the nose back to just in front of the fins. The deck has a 1/8th-inch concave extending from the laminate back through the tail. Estimated thickest point, at the laminate, is 2 1/4".

I wanted a paipo with a Lis fish look, but with full paipo functionality. Wide point at center and slightly wider tail than nose accomplished this goal, I think. The board turns amazingly well, hangs very high with much stability in steep barrels, and delivers lightning speed! Because we gave it a sky blue color, I named it Namkhai, which is a Tibetan word meaning “limitless enlightened space.” I’m in love with this little board. It’s just magic.

Board design: tumak

Shaper: Tom Neilson, Neilson Surfboards, Indian Harbour Beach, FL

Laminator: Morgan Pope, LP Glass, Indian Harbour Beach Sander & finisher: Larry Pope, LP Glass, Indian Harbour Beach

Also thanks to:

The Grand Poobah aka Larry O’Brien

Rodntube aka Rod Rodgers

Cool board. Can you stand on it? Or do you just belly ride it?

thats a lovely board Dale

nice lines nice colour

keels look great

That’s Tumak’s new paipo. My understanding is that it’s primarily for prone surfing.

Tumak can be contacted through Rodntube’s Paipo Forum:

does anyone ride paipos at big pipline?

are there any pics

id love to see pics of cats riding big hawaii waves on a paipo