Need Board recommendations...

Hey all… brand new here.

I’m in the market for a new shortboard and need a recommendation. I am 5’7", about 160lbs.

I’m looking for my first “real” board. I’ve been surfing for years, but always on used, cheap boards (I’m broke).

My surfing is getting to the level that I’m starting to notice the board, and the board I have now (6’1" CI Flyer… 5 years old) is falling apart and just doesn’t feel right, anyway.

I am open to anything and everything… keep in mind that this board will be my only shortboard, so it needs to handle all conditions (south florida… 1-6ft.)

Also, I’m looking for one that will last as long as possible.

Thanks for the help!

I’d consider a CI Quad, 5’ 8" x 19.25.

Shorter, looser, more skatey, but still positive enough for hard turns. Rides similar to Fish and twin fins, but more positive and bigger sweetspot.

Really? Keep in mind that if I dont get a three fin board, I won’t have one at all! That’s kind of scary, but I guess it shoudn’t be… how will it feel different than the one I have now?

How about going to a reputable local shaper and starting a relationship? Ask around, find out who is doing good work in your area, go and meet with them, and talk about board design. Also, borrow some friends’ boards, try them out, and see what works. Then you will have more relevant info for the shaper to go on. No offense to anyone, but I bet a shaper who has been working in south florida for his career has a better idea of what you need than a ghost shaper working for Channel Islands in california. Then, for your next board after that, you can tweak the design a little to follow your progress, etc. and if that isn’t enough, customs are probably cheaper,and you can design your own artwork.

That being said, the quad is worth a try, they’re a lot of fun on small, mushy waves.


There’s a guy I talked to named Mike Whisnant who is pretty reputable in the area… there definitly is some attraction to getting a custom board… just feels right. But this is the first time I’ve thought long and hard aboud board selection rather than just buying what I could afford… so its kind of wierd getting something custom shaped.

Anybody heard of Mike Whisnant? Feedback?

personally, i’ve seen a lot of whisnant boards in shops and wasn’t very impressed. i didn’t think they were bad shapes, per se…just nothing particularly impressive and not really worth the price tag. where are you located?? i know a few guys in south florida that do really good work at a decent price. one in particular does great custom epoxies, if you’re looking for a board to take a beating and last a long time.

customes don’t usually cost any more than buying new off the rack.

you said you want it too last. make sure to tell your shaper this. might consider a slightly heavier weight blank and/or a little more glass. Both would go a long way towards board longevity and should have little impact on performance unless all you want to do is airials. Talk to your shaper. Find one who will talk with you and help you trade-off your choices.

good luck

I’m actually in NorthEast Florida at the moment. a custom epoxy sounds nice… know of anyone in my area that does them well?

Where in N.E.Fla , Jax? Can’t help you there but in North Central you might want to check out Fisher surfboards. I believe he owns Aloha Surfshop in Ormand Beach. Was checking out a slotted fin fish he made and glassed with Resin Research epoxy, sweet board.Also Bernnie at Mad Dog uses Resin Research and shapes his epoxy boards with,I believe, EPS blanks. Mad Dog is in South Daytona. There are quit a few other good shapers in this area but I know these two use epoxy, and I’ve been impressed with their work.

Steve Forstall does some of the best custom epoxy in Florida.

321 676 5307

yeah, steve does great stuff. give him a call.