Anyway, it’s a pig-shaped SUP. the pix below are of V1. Ugly and odd-looking as it is, It’s the funnest board i’ve ever ridden, so I’m now about to get V2 made; it’ll be a little narrower, a little thinner, a little lighter and use no vector net. And, I want to do something different than the comp stripe you see here. i’m looking for suggestions for classic color designs/combos that might look good even given the pad. pictures would be gggreatly appreciated. (and i’m not adverse to cutting the size of the pad down to accomodate graphics.)
thanks, guys, for the suggestions. i’ve been poking around hither and yon and here a few of my early entries in the derby. i love 'em all. man, there’s some beautiful stuff out there!
the top one? yeah, that’s my favorite so far. probably go w/ a black pad, since i think that’s my only option besides camo like V1, which i’m not a fan of but oh well. nope, i wish i had the skills to build something this sweet. steve brom out of santa barbara did it for me. he’s the greatest.