Need glassing advice, Dry weave!

I need help! I began glassing my third board this evening and attmpted a semi-opaque resin tint. I apparently drew too much resin out of the cloth because now the the resin has cured I can see thousands of bubbles under the weave. My first instinct is to thin my hotcoat resin with styrene and attempt to work the thinned resin under the glass. how much styrene can I get away with adding to my hotcoat? Any advice would be greatly apreciated.

Instead of dat, styrene some lam resin with the same color, and squeegee it down into the pinholes. It will fill, but need about 5 or so passes over the dry area.

Some guys use gloss resin, thinner and penetrates easier, but I never have, because my gloss is precious, saved only for glossing.