What is the best way to shape the foil into a fin i.e. from marking out the shape to what tools I need. I have been using just FCS for to long. I want to do some glass ons but dont want to spend the money on pre-made fins. Thanks a lot for the help. Klein
Klein: Once you have your fin panels made, take your templates and scribe or etch the shape onto the panels with a pen or pointed tool. Cut out the shapes with a band saw if you have it or a saber saw with the proper blade. Finish the outline by hand using a heavy grit sanding block or stationary belt sander. I like to clamp my fin templates down by the base and use a disc sander with 80 grit to work my foil down. Works well when clamped horizontally on the edge of a heavy bench or work stand. As you begin to take off material the visible layers of cloth become your guides in how much to remove from each side to maintain symmetrical shape. Just look closely at a properly foiled fin and make a mental picture of the overall outline the foiled shape from leading edge to trailing edge and the thickness from base to tip. Shaping a well made fin is every bit as elegant as crafting a magic surfboard. Tom S.>>> What is the best way to shape the foil into a fin i.e. from marking out > the shape to what tools I need. I have been using just FCS for to long. I > want to do some glass ons but dont want to spend the money on pre-made > fins.>>> Thanks a lot for the help.>>> Klein
What is the best way to shape the foil into a fin i.e. from marking out > the shape to what tools I need. I have been using just FCS for to long. I > want to do some glass ons but dont want to spend the money on pre-made > fins.>>> Thanks a lot for the help.>>> Klein Hi Klein, Pick a template that will serve you best.Different shapes do different things, of course. That’s the first step. My first question is what kind of a board are you surfing and in what kind of surf, and how do you want it to respond? The rest is fairly simple, Tools: Protection from the sanding dust! A vise, grinder, finish sander, (unless you planning on doing all the final sanding by hand) scroll saw. Start with a sanding resin/6 oz. glass layup of the thickness you want you fins to be if you just want something very basic. Just cut it out and go for it. Once you get you shape and foil it’s just a matter of smoothing things out with progressively finer abrasives. I’ll be glad to chip in with some more advice if you have any specific questions but fins are pretty much a matter of what feel best after some experimentation. We all have our own ideas about what works best and surfing sytles too. I have my own templates that I prefer like anyone. Good Surfin’, Rich