Howzit chrisp, Actually I am glad the guy left since it was his fault for not wording his question right in the first place and then can't take a little ribbing for it. All he had to do was add the word glassed between epoxy and board and all would have been exactly right and I even got a laugh out of the epoxy board thing. I agree, let him take his attitude to Surfers mag forum. Aloha,Kokua
I dunno; whilst the guy may have much to learn about surfboard building, I think he reads people pretty well. So, high-five each other, bump your chests, or whatever you guys do - you sent the new guy packing in fine style!
In Mike, Chrisp and others gave the guy some good advice. A few gave the guy a bit of a hard time. Re-read the question and it is clear that he has little understanding of what he is talking about.
I disagree with the idea that he was victimized. The group is in place as is its culture. Someone coming in to join that group needs to figure out what it takes to assimilate. As groups go, the Sways crew is probably about as open, generous and newbie-friendly as it gets. Try asking a question of that caliber at a gunsmith forum or a fishing forum
Homeboi got a couple of legit answers plus a crack for not understanding the difference between the foam and the resin. It happens. Most everyone has been there at one time or another, either on an internet forum or in a workshop. You mumble a “sorry”, file the lesson in the back of your head and then you move on. No big deal.
That was just one question, and judging from that question I’m guessing there will be lots more to come. It doesn’t make any sense to cop an attitude right at the outset before you even get a chance to bleed the knowledge base dry. Now, every time he runs into a question or a problem he’s going to have to reinvent the wheel on his own time and at his own expense.
I’ll bet my time on Sways has cut 5 years off my learning curve. I’ve graduated from producing “abortion” quality boards to “ugly”. I aspire to acheive “passable”. Someday. It’s a process.
A sense of humor has always been the rule, here. Too bad if some people don’t get it. PeterG sent me a PM asking me to delete his account, which I (gladly) did; End of story.
anybody who thinks that PeteG was picked on, i challenge you to find evidence of that in the posts before he flipped…
that’s the first posts from Mike Daniel (no S!), myself, SammyA, Durbs, and Jesus… those first 5 posts warranted THAT response???
the guy had over 300 posts. he was not new… he could have rolled with the harmless ribbing and we’d all be laughing and internet-patting eachother on the back right now.
then, he’d have posted up pics of the shaped blank and we’d all have given compliments and maybe some constructive criticism… internet-high-fives all around…
woo-hoo, Swaylocks group-hug! … that’s how it usually works around here. one of the best places to come for HELPFUL info from knowledgeable people i’ve ever been…
surfboards or otherwise… i can only think of one other place that i’ve been.
he was gone by then… and this was all after several people tried to help him out and he called us a-holes and told us to go F ourselves.
really? nobody was picking on him. he attacked and even then, the quotes that you posted above were still within standard man to man
giving a hard time. no animosity!.. if it came across that i was just picking on him, i apologize… but, even now, if he were to come back on here,
there would be no hard feelings from me to him and i hope vice versa…
the other night at work, i was outside without raingear and got soaked. when i was complaining to my buddy at work, he asked if i was bloating and on my period too…
maybe i should have called him an A-hole, told him to go F himself, and went and pouted??? no, we LAUGHED about it. nobody should take themselves that seriously.
The guy blew a gasket over some low level sarcasm. His reply was akin to a child having a tantrum. Thus, my sippy cup and incontinence references.
Most of the participants here are grown men. The majority seem quite
able to let a little ribbing and sarcasm roll right off their back. It gets a lot worse, at times. Yet, few folks throw an online tantrum or get their maxi pads all in a knot over it. A couple come to mind. But at least two of those ‘combative’ types have been banned. One wore a helmet, and the other was just plain silly.
If my words offended you, I really don’t care. They weren’t directed at you, and maybe you should join some church lady forum if you’re that ‘sensitive’.