I’m finally getting ready to put together a dedicated space for shaping, so my vacuum bagging and glassing space (garage) can remain dust-free.
What are the minimum dimensions I should make it? I’m looking at using a space by the side of my house to build a shed, so I’m pretty limited in width… Still have to measure it, in fact. For length, I guess just make it a little longer than the longest board I intend to shape there, right?
But on width, what’s the absolute minimum I should look for in interior width to walk around and shape a blank?
I’d go a minimum of 6’ longer than the longest board that you intend to shape, and at least 9’ wide. Please be aware that if you think that the maximum board length will be 8’ sooner or later someone is going to want a 12’er. If I were to do it, I’d make it 10’ X 18’.
My current room was a walkway between 2 buildings. Wall to wall is 7’-3" . I am a pretty big guy and have to adjust my technique for the room. I will call it “efficient”. The minimum width I would recommend would be 8’, my favorite rooms have been 9’ wide. They can never be too long, 16’ minimum.