I am very new at surfboard shaping and i wanted to see if there was some what of a checklist and how to guide to get things going. for example what supplies do i need to make a board? where can i get a surf board stand to work on it? where is the best place to get blanks from and also I have noticed there is different ‘colored tips’ on blanks meaning the foam is different, could someone explain to me what im looking for in a blank if i wanted to make a 6’6" board would i need to get a bigger blank?
Again any information that anyone has readily available would be amazing. thank you again in advance.
I live in cocoa beach florida. and thank you! i m new to the whole message board this is actually my first so i am sure a lot of my questions are ridiculous.
Not ridiculous at all. Just once u get started it will become easier to ask more specific ques, then we know what yr looking for.
Read through past threads on a variety of subjects, to get a feel for the place. You’ll pick it up quick, then making boards can be a lifelong journey, or just a hobby, or whatever u make it.
Btw I’m in calif, but i think there are lots of board builders and supply houses in Florida, so hopefully them guys can steer u right.
i got a hold of the usblanks in melbourne thank you again. and i did the search for information on this site that is very helpful. as of right now i have a saw, surform, sand paper and dragon screen. do i absolutely need the calipers? i am still researching i am just putting questions out there that i havent found answers to yet
No calipers needed at this point. Your most valuable tool you have is time. Nice and slow on the first one. Think about the process more than the board. Picture the finished shape in your mind at every step. Its always easier to take foam off than put it back on.
okay got it, thank you! one more question for now. once i cut it sand it and smooth it out can i leave it as is or do i have to add a coating on it? if so what is the easiest coating to start with
“coating the board once you are all done smoothing it out. example glass or epoxy i believe are two choices?”
glass is a fabric that you coat with a resin … epoxy or poly resin… this makes the hard outer skin of the surfboard… maybe youtube some surfboard building clips?
I’ve just said this on another thread but 101 shaping by John carper is the best video I could find and explains in great detail. Here’s my home made stand I used some scrap wood and an old railway sleeper good luck.