Are people seeing the latest boards on the homepage? Do you think that I should show the latest board submission at the top of the discussion forum? Thanks, Mike
Are people seeing the latest boards on the homepage?>>> Do you think that I should show the latest board submission at the top of > the discussion forum?>>> Thanks, Mike…I rarely notice any boards on the homepage unless I take the time to look.I think that putting THE NEW BOARDS up on the discussion page would be great!Herb.
Are people seeing the latest boards on the homepage?>>> Do you think that I should show the latest board submission at the top of > the discussion forum?>>> Thanks, Mike I think that’s a great idea. I never know when a new one gets posted. I usually just go straight here and don’t really pay much attention to the front page. And when people talk about a new board here on the BB, I have to go search and try to figure out where it’s at. It would be nice to have right in front of us. it will probably stimulate more discussion as well. But you could probably keep them on the front page as teasers. Thanks…deeb…
i never come in through the homepage, i think the top of the discussion page is better too. you can look at the board, and launch right into submitting a post.
if it makes it more simple, just put the heading up there and a link to it. GF