New board in archive by AJL

This is a sweet looking singlefin, square tail that reminds me a bit of the Morning of Earth Michael Peterson model I was asking about a month ago. Thanks for posting AJL.

Nice looking board. What blank did you use?

I really like the natural rail flow. The wide point seems offset exactly right for the nose and rail proportions. The rocker looks good for juicy surf. But I really like your rail transition. The forward tuck smothly works water under the entry rail, then releases it clean off the tail rails. Good work!

Nice looking board. What blank did you use? Thanks Rob. I wanted to make this board thick and flat so I used a Clark 7’ll"R.

Mahalo Noodle! Your kind words really mean a lot to me. I don’t have any scientific method for the rails and rocker. I’ll make a few basic measurments and then run my hands down the rails and use my eyes to keep things even and flowing. I used really eggy, soft rails on my previous board so I wanted something with a little more bite this time. The wide point is offset 3" forward. This board doesn’t really surf well from the tail. You have to move up toward the center and drive down the line instead of pivoting from the tail. The bigger the wave the better it works. The nose rocker is flat, about 4". I’ve dropped into some steep waves and every time I thought I was going to pearl. I think the extra volume of the beak nose and a slight kick in the last part of the tail keep the nose from going under. It takes a while to get used to the feeling but once you make that drop, watch out… THIS BOARD FLYS!

That is a sweet lookin’ board…i’d ride it! Great job. -G30

Thanks G30. I appreciate the compliment!