New build. Pig/Chip 9fter

I decided to finally contribute my efforts in board building.   Here’s the latest.  I got (lazy?) and wanted to try foam color this time instead of pigment. I’m pretty happy so far with how the color turned out.  I did a roller, with basic temper paint, then went over it with a throw away brush to fill in (most) of the little white holes.  I think once I glass it a lot of those will disappear with the sanded hotcoat.  Anyway here’s my progress, I’ll keep you all posted!


Also…link to my little site. ( a lot easier than posting pics here)



Hey Guys,

I posted some new pics on my site.  The board is coming out great so far.  I figure black boards are great for winter here in CA since it usually doesn’t get past 70degrees outside for the most part - hopefully eliminating any chance of it heating up more than usual in the sun. 

Anyway- check out the pics if you like.  It’s coming along really smoothly compared to some recent shapes.



Looks pretty good from what I could see, kinda hard to photograph a black surfboard, eh?  Great to see a guy stoked on his latest, hope you follow up with more pics / ride report when its finished.

BTW, interesting choice of board name, are you a noir fiction fan?  A true crime aficionado?

Thanks Huck!


Yeah I guess you can say I’m a Noir fan.  I just got this idea to name all my boards after famous crime scenes or “famous” serial killers.  The next one I’m doing will be a more knify- pig version of this one…probably call it Jripper or something along those lines.  ; )  I just thought it was something cool that no one has really done yet. Just looking for something that gets peoples attention other than the every day white board with the guy’s last name on it you know?

I happen to finish the board yesterday.  It came out great.  Black is always a beast to work with, but I think with the extra work and the right patience -they come out awesome.  The board is glassed lightly.  6oz bottom with 6oz top w 4oz deck patch.  I like lighter boards, but I did a double hot coat on top and bottom on this one.  I think I’m going to make that my standard.  I gotta tell you…it was nice giving volan a break.  I was forgetting how much easier lighter glass is to work with.  You can’t see it too well in the pics, but I also took a stab at a raised “pinline” around the cirlce on the deck.  It turned out to be a lot easier than I expected.


Here’s a pic, and there’s more on my site.


I’ll keep you posted on how it rides. …just need some swell!

black dahlia


excellant name

I hope it lives up to what its name imply's
